Monday, December 26, 2011


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

It's been how long... 5 months? Since I last wrote something?

Fall semester sucked really bad, I hate community college more than EVAR. I'm still waiting for my grades to come in. SHOOTIN FOR THAT 2.0 GPA
If I didn't pass calculus 2 I have to drop the calc 3 class I signed up for in the spring and retake another calc 2 class, how much does that suck? A lot. Because it's all my fault. I gotta say though, my teacher really sucked.
I'm beginning to think UC Davis aint really the place to be anymore. Chances of me keeping my gpa up for transfer agreement might be slim and there are much better places to go for engineering. I better catch a date with a counselor asap. More on school in a different post.

So why are my grades in the shitter right now? Part of it's because of this computer game called League of Legends. Ever heard of it? Lemme tell you, it's the worst game ever. Once you get sucked in, there's no turning back. It's like a drug. All the symptoms, the SAME. But hey! Finally hit level 30 recently, fun times fun times. Currently focusing on ad carry role. I play support role if I can't play ad, ap mid if there is none, solo top tryndamere if there's none, and jungle master yi if there's none... Otherwise I'm pretty garbage at the game. Doesn't mean it isn't addicting as hell!

I feel like college is like the earlier years of high school all over again. All I do is play videogames and watch anime now. Just like freshman and sophomore year of high school. Dunno how that works, but it's workin. 
Fall season anime's great btw! Absolutely love Chihayafuru. Mirai Nikki and Guilty Crown are great ones too. I'll have to get into those in detail in a different post if I ever come back to this site ever again. Got Rebuild of Evangelion 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance on DVD for Christmas. Absolutely amazing movie. January 17th REDLINE releases on DVD. Definitely going to hop on that and watch it a second time! Can't wait! 

January 31st Final Fantasy XIII-2 releases. Gotta buckle and force myself to beat the first one before then. So far I'm about half way through!

Did I mention I work at my kung fu school now? It sucks. More in separate post.

Plans for 2012:
•Learn at least 1 song from each of the new sheet music books I bought for the piano
•Beat Final Fantasy 13 before 2nd releases
•Get better at League of Legends
•Try to get back into magic.. err I mean something physical (IE tricking bboying kung fu)
•Get better at school
•Get a girlfriend


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Summer Classes in College are Rough! (plus other random updates)

I miss those days where I had the free time to consistently blog and talk about my days or what's on my mind and whatnot.. I've actually been quite busy lately with school. After realizing I'm going to be stuck at my community college for 4+ years before I transfer, I realized that I need to get as many classes done as possible, so I decided to take Calculus in the summer for some good momentum.

The semester system is really slow, and the quarter system is fast, but summer classes are REALLY fast. Especially since you're cramming in a semester's worth of material in a shorter amount of time than a quarter, you REALLY have to stay focused. A missed day of class could throw you miles behind the rest of the class... So far I've been struggling a bit, but enough to maintain a steady B in the class. My chances of acing the class are extremely slim right now.


So apparently two of the sifus at my kung fu school quit! So the owner has been quickly looking for employees to hire and I just happened to be one of his victims. I was concerned about the job because all the teachers are either ex-monks from temples in China or at least black belts. Me? PSH, I'm green belt, baby. So far the job hasn't been much different from my old job at the Taekwondo school, but maybe a little more lax. So far I'm making less money than the amount of gas I spend per month on driving (to school and whatnot). Hopefully I get more hours!

I haven't been playing Magic much lately, but my friend is visiting from China for the summer! We've been cube drafting and it's a lot of fun. Problem is though, I've been getting home at like 2-3 in the morning on school nights..... I'm fine with lacking sleep, I just don't really want my parents to get angry... They're still Asian y'know. Last night, we went out to Superstars in Sanjose to draft the new M12 set. I managed to pull a Grave Titan in my first pack! I personally thought my deck was really good too (2 Incinerate, Shock, 3 Wring Flesh, 2 Act of Treason, Chandra's Outrage, Sorin's Thirst, a ton of 1-3 drop Bloodthirst creatures, 2 Bloodseeker, Gravedigger, Diabolic Tutor etc.). But I guess my skill is still lacking...
I managed to win round 1, losing a game to mana screw.
In round 2 I lost game 1 from mulliganing to 4 and not being to catch up. Then in game 2 I FORGOT to announce a Bloodseeker trigger, and lost the game with my opponent at 1 life T__________T I'm so bad..
Round 3 I lost game 1 to a 2/2 bear with the +1/+1 protection from creatures aura hitting me 7 times....... That many turns of not drawing one of my removal spells..... Then in game 2 I got stuck on 2 land..... My opponent even agreed my deck was scary, but I guess he was just being nice..
Aand soo I walked away 1-2 with one booster pack, but guess what I pulled? A Chandra! That's worth 3 times my draft, plus I pulled Grave Titan! So it was still a successful night.
Interestingly enough, I also sold a TON of my cards to the store (that were about to rotate out of type 2) in order to pay for my draft and net me $91.50 worth of store credit. Spent $20 of it on Grim Lavamancers for my mono-red deck though.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Do I live in a cave or what?

Is it just me or has the words "swag" and "hipster" been being used a lot lately? Almost every other adjective has been replaced with swag. I thought it was an interesting word when I first saw it, but lately it just seems like EVERYONE'S using it.
I've also noticed a lot of people have been referring to hipsters lately. People will sarcastically call themselves or their friend's hipster. Usually in a teasing manner, but I always wonder why it was brought up in the first place, why the word is more commonly being used, and why it's most often referred to negatively.

I also noticed that EDM has become extremely popular. Everywhere I look, people say it's been popular for a long time, but I feel like it's either become even more popular or I just live in a cave or something. When I was a kid, my sister, her friends, and even my uncle were into music by people like Britney Spears, Spice Girls, 98 Degrees, Back Street Boys, and Nsync. As I hit middle school, I questioned whether I liked music or not and the only kind of music ever really heard was mainstream hip hop and R&B from school dances and whatnot. As high school came around, I had the opportunity to be blessed by horrific songs like Crank That by Soulja Boy. Mainstream music polluted my ears, as I had friends from different directions trying to pull more towards rock music or underground hip hop. Nujabes being one of the few artists I actually liked back then actually pulled me more towards hip hop. As senior year came, I noticed a large amount of people having interest in some genre I had never heard of before called Dubstep. I thought the dirty music was horrendous at first, but I couldn't help but admit that it grew on me after a while. Was I jumping on the bandwagon? No, I like whatever music I like. I'm actually quite open to nearly all genres of music nowadays. Anyways, as college came it seemed to me that every other student was into EDM. "What's EDM?" I thought. Nothing a quick google search couldn't fix. I was just surprised at how many people were into EDM. Maybe I just lack exposure to the world? Back in high school when I had my first job, all my coworkers were college students, and it seemed to me they either liked mainstream, rock, or underground hip hop... Meh..

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Too lazy to come up with a title. This blog post isn't meant to be read anyway. Actually.. Since when do people read my blog in the first place? Anyways, it's been a while since I've blogged, and I feel like talking- or typing in this case.

I've obviously been too lazy to make noob tournament reports about my little trips to friday night magic. Long stories short, I've gotten a little better, but I still suck. I've drafted a few times at another small store and won a couple times, it was fun, but I prefer my home location. A friend of mine also invited me to join him and some other friends at a Grand Prix Tourney down in San Diego this winter. Hopefully he wasn't joking because the thought of it excites me! I feel like my life has been revolving around Magic mostly lately.. Whatever, it makes me happy..

School's been going through pretty well, I was concerned about getting straight B's, but I've temporarily increased my grades to low A's. Hopefully I can maintain them for the rest of the semester! Not too long to go! The list of classes available for summer have already been posted and I haven't even looked at it yet. I need to get crackin on it. In fact, I've been wanting to speak with a counselor lately to help me get all my stuff straight. I should definitely do that soon.. Spring break is actually ending right now. Sad thing is, my school is like the last school on earth to have spring break... It's whatevs though, I had no one to hang out with.......
Speaking of which, I've been having this strange feeling of loneliness lately.. Not that I actually am lonely or not have any friends or anything, I just feel like I've been lacking in some true friends. Like a homie, or someone I can turn to whenever I want. Someone I can call up and hang out with whenever. Am I taking what friends I already have for granted? I think where I went wrong is that I spent all my time with my (ex) girlfriend that I never really spent time building strong bonds with anyone else. I value her as a friend, but she's still obsessed with me and I'm really hoping she'll get over me some time soon. On a side note, I've been having a bit of a craving for a new girlfriend... but I probably shouldn't talk about that..

For spring break a bunch of the friend's I've made in college wanted to have a big kick it at Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk last Thursday, but it was so terribly unorganized that it got cancelled. The "event" was made on facebook, and extremely few people actually responded consistently to it. I was going to drive (and my car was full), and I was about to bring a ton of food for everyone. I was actually excited to go hang out with a bunch of friends for once. It saddens me that everyone bailed out.

Kung fu has been a blast as always. The never ending struggle to communicate with my instructors is as funny as ever. The school's 10th anniversary is coming up and I have to do like 4 different forms in a row for a performance. It's going to be really tiring, but it'll be worth it. I look forward to it!

I've spent an absurd amount of hours on Minecraft.. I probably shouldn't talk about it..
I loaded up starcraft for the first time in a long time. Obviously I suck now.. I started up my placement match and got raped. Still feeling determined I started up another match. I was playing against the mirror and my opponent sends and overlords over to my base to see my flawless build order and he's like.. "16 pool?"

I've been trying to slightly get back into tricking lately. It's hard!! I actually got the guts to throw some sweat pants on and take a trip to the park down the street. I had a friend with me so I wasn't alone or anything. Unfortunately defying gravity doesn't work as well as it does in my head...

I took a whimsical trip to Milpitas Golfland with a friend the other day. I was really surprised to see that they have Beatmania IIDX 18 Resort Anthem! And DJ Max Technika 2! Makes me wonder what Sunnyvale Golfland has. I haven't played IIDX in so long I wasn't able to perform the way I used to back in high school but I still had a ton of fun nonetheless. Too bad a couple of guys were hogging Technika 2 the whole time..

I've been trying to diversify my itunes playlist lately. I've been listening to a little bit of acoustic. Nothing worth noting though, they just happen to be songs that I enjoy with acoustic guitar(s) in the background. I also noticed that the international side of my playlist(s) consisted of korean and japanese songs. I know that j pop and k pop are really really popular, but I wanted to try sticking to my roots, so I've actually been looking into some Chinese artists. I've found a little bit of success, but I'll keep it to myself for now.

Been craving to watch some anime lately, but I just don't have to the time and patience for it anymore.. Something really good might come up every now and then.

Oh yeah, I talked to a friend of mine who's attending Cal Poly right now for Computer Engineering (the same major as me) and his rate of education is sky rocketing compared to mine. His school goes by quarters as opposed to my school's semester system, so they're a lot faster. I took trigonometry last semester.. I'm taking pre-calculus this semester.. He's taken Calculus all the way up to Calculus 4, I think a physics class, a couple programming language classes, and he's learning Java now. His first quarter started several months after I started my first semester.. I can brag all I want about saving a ton of money at community college, but the education I'm getting over here is shit. I can tell some of the classes at Chabot cater to the level of most of the students at chabot. I'm not trying to say I'm better and smarter than them or anything, but so many students there lack drive. I just want to get all this general ed bullshit out of the way so I can start my journey towards becoming a ballin-ass engineer. I'm being held back by my high school ignorance and the fact that all the engineering classes require Calculus as a prerequisite. I want to focus as much as I can right now, but it's hard when it feels like I'm just waiting... I can admit that my classes provide enough of a challenge for me to not to be able to breeze by, but none of them really throw me into the textbooks everyday. I really want to work towards becoming a successful engineer, but I'm stuck working towards working towards becoming one.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This One Day...

An Indian man poked his head into my kung fu school and asked if the instructors there were Asian. He looked over his shoulder then back at me an whispered, "I don't want to be taught by white people.."

I couldn't help, but smile.


Monday, April 4, 2011


Midterms in ALL of my classes and a 7 page essay all due on the same day? Coincidence? Hurry, someone shoot me now.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Too lazy to blog these days

I don't know how much longer this blog is going to last...

Anyways, in the past month I've started a new minecraft world, but didn't get very far on it. And I discovered some friends who play on a multiplayer server, but the server keeps crashing and going down and whatnot.

My kung fu school is having their 10th anniversary soon so they're gonna have all their students perform at some hotel or something. I have to learn like 4 different forms by June 5th! eeeehh... It'll be fun though, I look forward to it.

My birthday passed recently. It was nice. Went out to an all you can eat korean bbq restaurant where you fill your plate with raw meat and cook it on your table. It was awesome. I also got some boardgames (Dominion and Arkham Horror) from a friend as a gift, so I'm pretty excited about that.

But yeah...

So this weekend is a bit of a drag. It's friday, and there are just too many things on my mind. I don't even know why I'm here blogging. Sometimes I do the strangest things when I'm overwhelmed with things to do, and that doesn't include blogging. But anyways, it basically goes like this:
Next thursday I have a psychology midterm, a precalculus midterm, a 7 page english essay due, and on wednesday the day before, I have online chemistry homework as well as a lab report due.
Now I wouldn't be complaining about things like this too often, but the fact that it's all happening at ONCE is what's bothering me. I can handle the four classes I'm taking, but when they all coincidentally put me on blast like this, it just.... sucks... It's one of those weekends where you just gotta man up.

So friday... I'm thinking, relax a little. Maybe play some games or watch anime while I dread over the fact that the minecraft server isn't working right now. Then do some homework/study. Then once the evening hits, go out to FNM to draft. Seems like a decent friday to me. But then of course my dad appears out of nowhere and overrides all my at-home plans with car repairs. Now, I'm totally cool with helping my dad fix cars and I have no hard feelings or anything, but the problem is that the car that needs to be fixed belongs to my uncle. So that means we're doing it for FREE. And we have to remove the cylinder head. That aint no easy job to do for FREE!! The last time I had to do a job like that, my energy and drive was motivated by the big payout, but this time around I don't even know what to do. As selfish and spoiled as it may sound, my relaxing time today is being replaced with work, then if I have time, homework, then my escape: drafting. Any person like me would complain about something like that because its the free time that keeps us sane... right? I need a job... Since I actually have freetime, I can't use my homework and studying as an excuse..

So I definitely need to catch up on math, finish all my chem homework, and nearly finish my essay by the end of this weekend. If I can successfully do that, the rest of the week (until thursday) will be much less stressful.