It's been how long... 5 months? Since I last wrote something?
Fall semester sucked really bad, I hate community college more than EVAR. I'm still waiting for my grades to come in. SHOOTIN FOR THAT 2.0 GPA
If I didn't pass calculus 2 I have to drop the calc 3 class I signed up for in the spring and retake another calc 2 class, how much does that suck? A lot. Because it's all my fault. I gotta say though, my teacher really sucked.
I'm beginning to think UC Davis aint really the place to be anymore. Chances of me keeping my gpa up for transfer agreement might be slim and there are much better places to go for engineering. I better catch a date with a counselor asap. More on school in a different post.
So why are my grades in the shitter right now? Part of it's because of this computer game called League of Legends. Ever heard of it? Lemme tell you, it's the worst game ever. Once you get sucked in, there's no turning back. It's like a drug. All the symptoms, the SAME. But hey! Finally hit level 30 recently, fun times fun times. Currently focusing on ad carry role. I play support role if I can't play ad, ap mid if there is none, solo top tryndamere if there's none, and jungle master yi if there's none... Otherwise I'm pretty garbage at the game. Doesn't mean it isn't addicting as hell!
I feel like college is like the earlier years of high school all over again. All I do is play videogames and watch anime now. Just like freshman and sophomore year of high school. Dunno how that works, but it's workin.
Fall season anime's great btw! Absolutely love Chihayafuru. Mirai Nikki and Guilty Crown are great ones too. I'll have to get into those in detail in a different post if I ever come back to this site ever again. Got Rebuild of Evangelion 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance on DVD for Christmas. Absolutely amazing movie. January 17th REDLINE releases on DVD. Definitely going to hop on that and watch it a second time! Can't wait!
January 31st Final Fantasy XIII-2 releases. Gotta buckle and force myself to beat the first one before then. So far I'm about half way through!
Did I mention I work at my kung fu school now? It sucks. More in separate post.
Plans for 2012:
•Learn at least 1 song from each of the new sheet music books I bought for the piano
•Beat Final Fantasy 13 before 2nd releases
•Get better at League of Legends
•Try to get back into magic.. err I mean something physical (IE tricking bboying kung fu)
•Get better at school
•Get a girlfriend