Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's Been a While (or at least it feels like it)

I don't know the rate at which most other people update their blogs, but it's been almost a month since I've blogged about anything worthwhile. To me, it feels like it's been forever since I blogged. I don't have any particular passion for blogging, but it does leave off a good feeling to just write about stuff. I just happen to have some free time on my hands right  now.

Okay so... What is it.. February? Let's see...

I'm into my spring semester of my freshman year at community college now. One step closer to making big bucks I suppose. I'm just trying to keep my head up about it. I'm taking 15 or 16 units I think (math, english, science, and psychology). I planned out my schedule quite well this time around. My classes are more compact, and my break times are pretty good. I start school (mon-thu) at 9:00am and get out at 2:35pm each day. It's like high school all over again. Mondays are like my cushion day. Just my day to slowly get back into gear after each 3-day weekend. Only two classes and a nice three hour break. In my previous semester, three hours would be considered lengthy, but here, I take advantage of it in a way that I can utilize it for catching up on homework, sleep, or anything else that might require attention. The rest of the days are nicely compact (with an hour and a half break on tue/thu). I can definitely say that my classes are much more difficult this time around, but still fairly easy. Speaking of which, I got 1 B last semester! The one time I thought I was actually going to land a 4.0 for the first time in my entire life, I get a B in a measly 1 unit class.. I see a pattern here. Did you know that I have never once played a song on the piano without making a single mistake before in my life? I'm just not one who strives for perfection I guess.

I still take kung fu classes every Tuesday and Thursday, and they're still as fun and challenging as ever. I actually tested for my next belt recently, so I'm pretty excited about that. I was doing a bo-staff form before, and I'm doing some complicated hand form now. I actually have the video of my bo-staff form on facebook, but only certain people can see it. I'm still not confident enough to release that kind of stuff to the public.

I applied for four positions at the local Safeway online the other day. Just off of a whim.. My mom suggested that I apply for Trader Joe's too so I can get her sweet deals on their unique selection of groceries. Actually, before I applied for Safeway, I took a quick trip to the record store in Old Niles down the street from my house. Unfortunately, the place is so small, the owner didn't need employees. Plus it would be too pricey for him to have one anyways. He instead redirected me to the recently opened record store on Fremont Blvd, but that place was even smaller, and I faced the same result. You're probably thinking, "Why a record store? You won't make any money there." Well, to be honest at this point, I just need a small job that will make me some gas money. I've been desperately living off of the money I make from helping my dad fix cars. I guess you could say I really haven't been trying at all to find a job, and I agree. The consequences for what I've done (or more rather, have not done) have become evident. I eat out less (which is good in a sense), play magic less (also good), and just go out less period. Putting it simply, I'm being forced to do what I've never been even remotely close to being capable of achieving: Saving money. Hopefully it rubs off on me in the future..

Just recently, I got this thing called GERD. It stands for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorder (AKA Acid Reflux). Basically, the sphincter at the bottom of one esophagus loses the ability to close properly after swallowing food. Since it can't close all the way, stomach acid ninja's its way back up the esophagus leaving an excruciating burning pain somewhere between the stomach and the chest, hence the name acid reflux. It's caused by really poor eating habits apparently. For example, eating large meals once or twice a day rather than eating 5-6 small meals a day. Or eating a big meal before sleeping. Apparently, fried foods, fatty foods, spicy foods, acidic fruits, carbonated drinks, caffeine, and chocolate aggravate GERD. I honestly don't know what I did to cause it but I think I know. I generally have bad eating habits period. They tend to get worse on non-school days. During winter break, I would stay up until 6 in the morning, wake up at 2 or 3 in the afternoon, eat a giant meal at 7 or 8pm when my mom would get home from work, then eat a snack sometime between midnight and 4 in the morning again before sleeping at 6. On one particular day, I went out to Iguanas (home of the Burritozilla) and got myself a burrito so spicy, that it actually hurt. It was a big burrito too! When I got home, I passed out from lack of sleep and food coma and took a two-hour nap. Unfortunately, it was right after I ate that burrito, so I woke up with an awfully painful stomach ache. The following day, I took a trip the the mall and bought one of those giant trays of Mongolian bbq noodles. I made it extra spicy and it was delicious, but I noticed that each time I swallowed, it left a strangely discomforting pain in my chest. The following day, EVERYTHING I swallowed hurt. After a decent amount of google research, I confirmed that it was GERD and tried my best to heal it by changing my eating habits. In the beginning, it hurt so bad, I was literally dieting. Salad, pretzels, crackers, bread, whatever was easy to consume. All I drank was water for the entire week. I made sure to eat extremely small meals every hour to be as easy on my stomach as possible. Tums, H2 blockers, and whatever other forms of antacids I could get my hands on just weren't cutting it for some reason, so five days later, I finally gave in and took a trip to the doctors. Unfortunately, all she told me was everything I had already read on the internet, and then recommended some different form of OTC drugs called PPI (proton pump inhibitors). I actually didn't start taking the PPI's until 2 or 3 days later because I had to drive to LA with my dad to fetch a car my sister broke. When I finally did take my first PPI pill though, I felt brand new. It was too good to be true for that one little pill to achieve something that numerous other forms of antacids couldn't achieve over the course of an entire day. I personally think it was a combination of the pill and my new eating habits that made me feel better. In fact I'm still taking the PPI pills now and I'm almost done with my two-week thingymajigger of taking those things. Hopefully those eating habits will rub off on me just as much I hope for my spending habits  to change as well.

Last time I posted anything about magic I went 4-0 in a draft right? Well I went to two sealed tournaments recently. The first one was a 10 dollar sealed in San Jose which I managed to go 4-0 in as well. Netted me 10 booster packs! I went to the prerelease of the new set, Mirrodin Besieged last Saturday and went 3-0-1. I actually could have gone 4-0 (because I won), but both my opponent and I agreed to tie so we would receive and equal amount of booster packs. This time I received 7. Am I on a lucky streak or is it safe to say I'm getting better at Magic??

Just last Sunday I finally replaced the timing belt (and components related to it) on my beloved Eclipse! I swear the teeth was literally falling off of the counter balance belt. It's a good thing we replaced it! We also replaced the valve cover gasket because there was oil leaking. We unfortunately discovered that there was a crack/hole in my valve cover, so we plugged it with a temporary fix and planned to purchase a new one later.

I found out that all of the updates that occur in Minecraft don't apply to older worlds, so newer worlds need to be made in order to experience ALL of the updates. It's a shame that I have to end my world from the Alpha stages of the game, it feels like I put so much effort in it. Oh well, my experience in my old world has passed onto my new world so I am able to work much more quickly and efficiently. I made a decent sized underground tree farm, and discovered some pretty huge dungeons. The cliffs in my new world are huge, so I have a big project idea in mind. I'll post pictures later when I get the chance.

Well that's all the updates I can think of for now. My writing ability is terrible, I think I changed tense like 70 times. Hopefully I find some opportunities to blog a little more.

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