Sunday, January 2, 2011

Trying to Get Back Into Things

I have a lot of hobbies, but I'm no professional at any of them. Each and every one of my hobbies I wish I could get back into. I was thinking in the shower the other day (I do all my thinking in the shower). I thought maybe I could start taking advantage of my free time and try getting in a little bit of every thing. Here's what I thought:

Monday: School, Piano
Tuesday: School, Piano, then Kung Fu
Wednesday: School, Piano, then 24/hour fitness to practice Bboying (maybe even start working out.. This can be done on Monday as well)
Thursday: School, Piano, then Kung Fu
Friday: School, Piano, then alternate Fridays between drafting Magic and going out to Bay Aerials to practice tricking again)
Saturday: Get in at least an hour of DJ'ing, and Piano
Sunday: Get in at least an hour of DJ'ing, Piano, Occasionally play Magic or L5R

Okay so, I could practice bboying at night again. I forgot how to do most of my moves and I'd rather practice alone before dancing in front of friends again. I can go either Monday or Wednesday. Or both, either one. I've also been putting on a lot of pounds lately. I certainly don't mind doing cardio (like the elliptical), but I definitely would like to learn how to work out (properly). Piano is just a given. I don't practice it 3+ hours a day like a true chinese, but I do try to play a little everyday. The same could apply to DJ'ing, but I think making it mandatory on weekends is a good start to stop being so lazy about it. I haven't touched the decks for months! Kung Fu is always on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I also usually draft every Friday, but then that means I can't go out to Bay Aerials to trick. That's why I figured I could alternate Fridays with it. It would be nice to go out with friends, but it would be hard to plan every week and I don't want to drive people every week. Every time I see a tricking video on youtube it temporarily inspires me to trick again. Then again, I could always practice tricking at Kung Fu too I guess.. But I don't want them to think I'm showing off. 

Now this sounds like a pretty fun schedule, but I bet it would be tiring. There are a lot of problems with this schedule too. I've been wanting to seek out a classical piano teacher lately so I can refine and polish my technique, dexterity, and emotion. My mom wholeheartedly agrees with the idea and is willing to pay for lessons. But it will take a nice chunk out of time and increase my amount of practice. Which is a good thing, but will conflict with my above schedule. I also really need a job. As soon as I get a job, the entire schedule goes out the window. Spring semester is approaching fast and I'm going to be a full-time student so if I get myself a job, then I will have little to no time at all for hobbies. And to be honest, a job is what I want most right now. On top of all that, I still need time to study, and of course hanging out and socializing with friends. And besides, I'm not much of a routine guy. I might be able to execute it for maybe 2 weeks, but then after that I won't be able to last longer. I was never good with routines..

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