*All blogs regarding Legend of the Five Rings will have (L5R) in its name
Last week I got myself to Hobbytown expecting to see the 11/11:30 tourney to be there like usual, but I saw no one so I just left. Apparently no one shows up until 12 nowadays. Like today for example. So I decided to wait until everyone arrived. The day almost became casual play until I someone how convinced the guy who runs the events to run a tourney today. That's really the only reason why I was there. To win free booster packs... Greedy, I know, but I want to get my money's worth. Plus I'm very confident my deck is capable of beating practically all of the players there. The last time I played, I went 3-0 no problem. I run straight up Phoenix honor out of the Shrine of Champions with more send home actions than my opponents could count. Well not really.. My deck just tries to run to 40 honor as FAST as possible. Here's the deck list:
Shrine of Champions
Border Keep/Bamboo Harvestors
Dynasty Deck (40):
Events/Regions/Guidances (6):
1 Winter's Embrace (Stall 2 turns)
1 Decree of Peace (Supposed to stall a turn or take a province. I've found this useless in every game so far. I plan to take this out.)
1 Temple to Te'tik'kir (Temple with send home action on it)
1 Imperial Outpost (Temple that bows a unit in battle)
1 Well Defended Border (1 Honor per turn if left unchecked)
1 Emma-O's Guidance (Combo with Houhou and Daigotsu Oki)
Holdings (14):
3 Silver Mine (Buys me dead Houhou's and other odd numbered people)
3 My Father's Shrine (Temple. Bow a dude for 1 honor)
3 Temple to Shinsei (Temple. Bow a dude for 2 honor)
2 Seiden Sanzo (To kill Shiba Ningen tokens and Houhou's)
1 Expendable Resources (Card draw to kill Shiba Ningen tokens and Houhou's)
1 Counting House (Card draw is important! Any good military deck will have me at 1 province by the time I pass 40)
1 Diamond Mine (Absolutely useless. This slot belongs to a 3rd Seiden Sanzo)
Personalities (20):
3 Asako Misako (Send home, gain 1 honor)
3 Isawa Kumai (6 gold, 4 personal honor, alchemist, air/void. Love her.)
3 Asako Hoshimi (Same as above but 3 PH and air/fire.)
3 Houhou (Staple suicidal honor gainer)
3 Imaishi (Send home, gain 2 honor)
1 Isawa Kyoko exp (Send home, gain 1 honor)
1 Isawa Mitsuko (Free Temple to Shinsei honor, and stays straight with Blessings of Sky. Can straighten a temple for send home or rout)
1 Shiba Ningen (Free 2 honor with token)
1 Isawa Mizuhiko (Useless, but cheap. Has water element though)
1 Daigotsu Oki (Gain 3 honor, stall a dude, revive with Emma-o's guidance for another 3 honor, stall another dude)
Fate (40):
Strategies (34):
3 Advanced Spellcraft (bow a dude, potentially gain 1 honor)
3 Reinforce the Gates (anti-Sneak Attack)
3 Outer Walls (Staple defense)
3 Final Duty (Roasty toasty personalities)
3 Unimpeachable Name (Dishonor meta. Bow a dude, gain 2 honor)
3 Unstoppable Power (Force reduction into honor, take additional battle action. AMAZING)
3 The Direct Approach (Stall a dude)
3 Settling the Homeless (Send home)
3 Rout (Send home, kill an attachment YES. Love this card)
2 Blessings of Sky (Send home, gain 2 honor)
2 Crushing Strength (I hate those pesky followers and items)
2 Forewarning (New Order/ War of Dark Fire meta, and any other event)
1 The Thriving Light (Amazing card period)
Spells (6):
3 Touch of Ice (Bow 2 guys or gain 3 honor EVERY TURN? Wins me games.)
2 Castle of Water (Infinite Outer Walls? Meh, this card is replaceable with maybe Wall of Honor or Hamstrung)
1 Might of the Kami (Potential 3 honor every turn!)
Round 1: Spider Kensai
My first opponent was the guy who runs the tournies in the first place, and I've played against his spider deck before. It's powerful. It beat my old deck, but I was confident my new phoenix deck could handle it. Which it did. I stall with Daigotsu Oki, The Direct Approach, and Advanced Spellcraft for several turns until I pass with 4 provinces. Awesome. 1-0
Round 2: Crane Honor
The same guy I played in round 3 last time I played. Once again his steady defensive honor gaining deck was twice as slow as mine. Especially since I got the Houhou, Daigotsu Oki, and Emma O's guidance combo out. His few attempts at attacking were too weak to do anything. 2-0
Round 3: Crane Dueling Honor
My friend from school. He knows my deck better than anyone else so I knew he had meta against my deck. I've beat him plenty of times, but I just got unlucky today.. We had to roll to see who goes first since our starting honors were equal. I rolled a 4, yes I had to be going second which means more money for me which I like.Even though it would mean going second, I knew once I gain tempo I would outrun him SOO fast. Unfortunately he rolled a 1........................ Ok so I went first. Reveal 3 measly shugenja that do nothing and a My Father's Shrine. I Border Keep the 3 shugenjas into Isawa Mitsuko, Shiba Ningen, and some other random shugenja. Seriously? Shiba Ningen was too good to give up, so I dropped the other 2 and Border Keeped again.. Instead Asako Misako and someone else shows up. I end up buying her for cheap and the My Father's Shrine........ BAD start. Turn 2, another Misako shows up and something else. I'm forced to buy the 2nd Misako for cheap. Turn 3 I bow a Misako to My Father's Shrine. 7 Honor on TURN 3. How could it get any worse? I'm forced to buy Shiba Ningen for cheap for the sake of buying 2 holdings. Turn 3 of my opponent, he does Impetuous Challenge on my Shiba Ningen. Either it dies and he gains 2 honor or Ningen dishonors and he gains 4 honor... I needed the Ningen so I let him dishonor and gave my opponent 4 honor. So he decides to do yet ANOTHER Impetuous challenge. Then buys someone with 3 personal honor. He gained 11 honor in 1 turn while I was gold screwed.. Lucky him. At this point I finally had some holdings so I was able to start getting myself back into the game. I found my Daigotsu Oki combo, which he REMOVED FROM THE GAME. Meta much? That set me back as he pulled out Bukita Doji and began to dishonor me. It was okay because I was confident I could keep up. By the time I gained tempo, I was able to gain 10 honor per turn, but then he pulled his own Daigotsu Oki and managed to pass 40 a turn early. I had 3 Unstoppable Powers chillin in my hand ready to net me 9+ honor, but he never attacked unfortunately. He was at twice my honor by the time I managed to find gold at the beginning of the game. The double border keep into 1 holding really sucked. Sometimes bad luck really does decide the fate of a game.. Oh well.. 2-1
Luckily for me I received the same number of booster packs as my friend. So technically I got what I wanted, so it's all good! I'm just down about losing to bad luck.
The rares I pulled from my booster turned out to be really good, two of which are worth money!
On a side note, today has been a really nice day. The sun is out and it's not too cold. It's actually quite warm. I found it interesting that so many families with kids were trick or treating around the shopping center (the Hub). I also heard that many people like to trick or treat at the mall too because shopping centers and malls are much safer than going door to door at night. I can understand that, but it just feels like it takes away from the tradition.. Or perhaps I just live in a cave...
Anyways, today one of the employees at Hobbytown had a head thingy with cat ears on it, and she had some black paint on her face marking her noise and whiskers drawn on her cheeks. I've seen her around Hobbytown many times so she definitely remembers me. Interestingly enough, I told her that I liked her cat ears as she passed all of us nerds, and instead of acknowledging it and saying thanks, she glanced at me then looked forward and locked her eyes straight into that direction. I could see a little smile appear on her face as she walked away. Either she didn't hear me, which I doubt, or she was showing a bit of shyness. I found it interesting to see shyness come from a 6 foot white girl who looks to be about 20 years old. Maybe she was just laughing on the inside at the fact a nerd was commenting on her cat ears.. Couldn't be though..
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Boros For Type 2 Thoughts
So it's now post rotation of the Alara block into the new Scars of Mirrodin set and more and more new decks are starting to emerge. From what I've seen, boros is RARELY played. Why? Because I don't think it's up to par with the staple decks of the format (tier 1?) Or at least that's what most players think. My fellow boros players are trying their hardest to keep the deck alive though. According to people that I have talked to, a good option for me right now would be to turn my boros deck into either Mono-red or Mono-white.
Right now Mono-white runs around using Quest for the Holy Relic and kors to pull out an early Argentum Armor onto an equippable creature and pull off an aggressive early win. Looks like a lot of fun to play, but from what I've heard, it's really unstable. Seems like a deck that relies too much on nut draws.
Mono-red seems to be much more mid-ranged now. Not as aggressive as the old Red Deck Wins, but still good enough to last longer games now with Koth the Hammer and Molten-tail Masticore. I could of swore I was missing something, but Spikeshot Elder seems to be a lot better than I thought.
From the looks of it, red seems better, but I'm going to need 3 more Koths and 3 more Kargan Dragonlords, which will cost a fortune. For now I'll stick with boros and see how it plays out.
As for boros, from what I've seen, it's either an equipment build or more aggressive build. The equipment build runs cards such as Sword of Body and Mind, Adventuring Gear, Basilisk Collar, and maybe even Sword of Vengeance. Some run the Cunning Sparkmage combo too. I've also seen cards like Kemba, Kha Regen, Emeria Angel, and even Baneslayer Angel.
The more aggressive build I've seen runs Kiln Fiends and Emerged Unscathed. I've also seen Assault Strobe gaining a lot of popularity. Other decks seem to run cards such Devastating Summons which I'm not too fond of.
I personally like the more suicidal build for no particular reason.
This is what I've been tinkering with so far:
Lands (23):
4 Arid Mesa
4 Marsh Flats
4 Scalding Tarn
4 Plains
5 Mountain
1 Evolving Wilds
1 Terramorphic Expanse
Creatures (16): This seems like a low number to me, but it works out. With no more Ranger of Eos, I removed my Goblin Bushwhacker.
4 Goblin Guide (Used to hate these until I realized how fast they were)
4 Steppe Lynx (Staple)
4 Plated Geopede (Staple)
4 Kiln Fiend (Amazing when left unchecked/unblocked)
Spells (21): This section needs work..
4 Lightning Bolt (Staple)
4 Emerge Unscathed (Wins games on just about any of my creatures)
4 Staggershock (More of a reason for Kiln Fiend. Goes to the face if nothing else to target)
4 Arc Trail (To stop those pesky elves and maybe tokens plus other small creatures)
3 Assault Strobe (Just because everyone says it's good..)
2 Burst Lightning (Just for more burn/removal)
These last 5 slots are questionable
3 Tunnel Ignus (For ramp decks (especially Valakut) and maybe mirror? Anything fetchland intensive I guess)
3 Luminarch Ascension (Supposedly good against control. Seems fun to play)
3 Journey To Nowhere (Anything threatening: Vengevine, Titans, Baneslayer, Linvala, Wurmcoil Engine, Molten-tail Masticore, etc)
3 Celestial Purge (Answer to RDW and Koth. Maybe even Vampires or Abyssal Persecutors/Grave Titans)
3 Revoke Existance (Wurmcoil Engine and any other amazing artifact. Also Pyromancer Ascension, Journey to Nowhere, Equipment, and Laylines.)
Basically, the deck needs to win within the first several turns or else it'll run out of steam. I run no late-game cards whatsoever. As for the main deck I wasn't sure what to do with the last 5 slots. The slots where the Arc Trails went was a decision between those, Searing Blaze, and Burst Lightning. I'm not a big fan of either and Arc Trail is my reason for not having Pyroclasm in the sideboard, so I feel safe with this decision. I've been seeing a lot of people talk about Assault Strobe, and I can see how effective it would be on an unblocked creature of mine
But then again I was also thinking. With only 16 creatures, I won't be drawing a lot and they can be easily removed. In a situation like that, I would have to resort to burning to the face leaving my Assault Strobes useless. So I decided to cut from 4 to 3 Assault Strobes and then use Burst Lightning for the last 2 slots.
As for the sideboard, this also needs a LOT of testing. I feel like Tunnel Ignus and Revoke Existence really have a place in there. Otherwise, the rest are interchangeable. Revoke Existence could be replaced with Manic Vandal for the sake of the body, but I think there are a lot of good enchantments around too. Plus Revoke Existence is definitely an answer to Wurmcoil Engine.
Luminarch Ascension is only in there because people recommend it against control. I personally have never actually gotten a chance to use it before.
Journey To Nowhere actually used to be Combust to deal with Baneslayer Angel, Linvala Keeper of Silence, and Wall of Omens, but Journey to Nowhere can target many more things.
I haven't seen any sideboards run Celestial Purge anymore, but I personally think it will work wonders against Red Deck Wins considering it can target Koth. A lot of people have Abyssal Persecutor and Grave Titan nowadays. Vampires still seems to be alive, and I heard that a lot of UW decks were switching to UB.
But then again, now that I think about it, all Celestial Purge will benefit is Koth whereas Journey to Nowhere could target anything else. The last 3 slots for Celestial Purge can definitely go to something else. If not a spell then maybe Baneslayer or Linvala... I don't know... Or maybe I can just go 4 of everything except 3 Journey To Nowhere.. Or maybe add more burn?
I need to start testing asap
EDIT: The equipment build appears to be better. I'm considering throwing in Adventuring Gears just to increase my aggression with Kiln Fiends.
Right now Mono-white runs around using Quest for the Holy Relic and kors to pull out an early Argentum Armor onto an equippable creature and pull off an aggressive early win. Looks like a lot of fun to play, but from what I've heard, it's really unstable. Seems like a deck that relies too much on nut draws.
Mono-red seems to be much more mid-ranged now. Not as aggressive as the old Red Deck Wins, but still good enough to last longer games now with Koth the Hammer and Molten-tail Masticore. I could of swore I was missing something, but Spikeshot Elder seems to be a lot better than I thought.
From the looks of it, red seems better, but I'm going to need 3 more Koths and 3 more Kargan Dragonlords, which will cost a fortune. For now I'll stick with boros and see how it plays out.
As for boros, from what I've seen, it's either an equipment build or more aggressive build. The equipment build runs cards such as Sword of Body and Mind, Adventuring Gear, Basilisk Collar, and maybe even Sword of Vengeance. Some run the Cunning Sparkmage combo too. I've also seen cards like Kemba, Kha Regen, Emeria Angel, and even Baneslayer Angel.
The more aggressive build I've seen runs Kiln Fiends and Emerged Unscathed. I've also seen Assault Strobe gaining a lot of popularity. Other decks seem to run cards such Devastating Summons which I'm not too fond of.
I personally like the more suicidal build for no particular reason.
This is what I've been tinkering with so far:
Lands (23):
4 Arid Mesa
4 Marsh Flats
4 Scalding Tarn
4 Plains
5 Mountain
1 Evolving Wilds
1 Terramorphic Expanse
Creatures (16): This seems like a low number to me, but it works out. With no more Ranger of Eos, I removed my Goblin Bushwhacker.
4 Goblin Guide (Used to hate these until I realized how fast they were)
4 Steppe Lynx (Staple)
4 Plated Geopede (Staple)
4 Kiln Fiend (Amazing when left unchecked/unblocked)
Spells (21): This section needs work..
4 Lightning Bolt (Staple)
4 Emerge Unscathed (Wins games on just about any of my creatures)
4 Staggershock (More of a reason for Kiln Fiend. Goes to the face if nothing else to target)
4 Arc Trail (To stop those pesky elves and maybe tokens plus other small creatures)
3 Assault Strobe (Just because everyone says it's good..)
2 Burst Lightning (Just for more burn/removal)
These last 5 slots are questionable
3 Tunnel Ignus (For ramp decks (especially Valakut) and maybe mirror? Anything fetchland intensive I guess)
3 Luminarch Ascension (Supposedly good against control. Seems fun to play)
3 Journey To Nowhere (Anything threatening: Vengevine, Titans, Baneslayer, Linvala, Wurmcoil Engine, Molten-tail Masticore, etc)
3 Celestial Purge (Answer to RDW and Koth. Maybe even Vampires or Abyssal Persecutors/Grave Titans)
3 Revoke Existance (Wurmcoil Engine and any other amazing artifact. Also Pyromancer Ascension, Journey to Nowhere, Equipment, and Laylines.)
Basically, the deck needs to win within the first several turns or else it'll run out of steam. I run no late-game cards whatsoever. As for the main deck I wasn't sure what to do with the last 5 slots. The slots where the Arc Trails went was a decision between those, Searing Blaze, and Burst Lightning. I'm not a big fan of either and Arc Trail is my reason for not having Pyroclasm in the sideboard, so I feel safe with this decision. I've been seeing a lot of people talk about Assault Strobe, and I can see how effective it would be on an unblocked creature of mine
But then again I was also thinking. With only 16 creatures, I won't be drawing a lot and they can be easily removed. In a situation like that, I would have to resort to burning to the face leaving my Assault Strobes useless. So I decided to cut from 4 to 3 Assault Strobes and then use Burst Lightning for the last 2 slots.
As for the sideboard, this also needs a LOT of testing. I feel like Tunnel Ignus and Revoke Existence really have a place in there. Otherwise, the rest are interchangeable. Revoke Existence could be replaced with Manic Vandal for the sake of the body, but I think there are a lot of good enchantments around too. Plus Revoke Existence is definitely an answer to Wurmcoil Engine.
Luminarch Ascension is only in there because people recommend it against control. I personally have never actually gotten a chance to use it before.
Journey To Nowhere actually used to be Combust to deal with Baneslayer Angel, Linvala Keeper of Silence, and Wall of Omens, but Journey to Nowhere can target many more things.
I haven't seen any sideboards run Celestial Purge anymore, but I personally think it will work wonders against Red Deck Wins considering it can target Koth. A lot of people have Abyssal Persecutor and Grave Titan nowadays. Vampires still seems to be alive, and I heard that a lot of UW decks were switching to UB.
But then again, now that I think about it, all Celestial Purge will benefit is Koth whereas Journey to Nowhere could target anything else. The last 3 slots for Celestial Purge can definitely go to something else. If not a spell then maybe Baneslayer or Linvala... I don't know... Or maybe I can just go 4 of everything except 3 Journey To Nowhere.. Or maybe add more burn?
I need to start testing asap
EDIT: The equipment build appears to be better. I'm considering throwing in Adventuring Gears just to increase my aggression with Kiln Fiends.
Halloween Festivities. What to do? (+Re-watching PA1 w/ rant)
Feels like Halloween just came out of nowhere this year. I didn't see it coming so quickly. I just didn't feel the holiday's presence and spirit since the synergy of high school teachers and students just weren't there. College is much more independent.
Various friends/groups of friends have invited me to go trick or treating with them this year, but I just didn't really feel like tricking or treating for some reason. My desire to spend a night running around getting free candy that I'll never eat just didn't peak my interest. Lame attempt at trying to spell out "maturity?" Don't think so. I'm being honest. I don't have a costume either, although I could always fish up an old one from my closet. Every year, finding a new costume was always the biggest problem. Took years to find one. I was never creative enough to come up with my own hahaha.
I wasn't in the mood to seek out any parties either. Half my friends want to go trick or treating while the other half of my friends are looking for some crackin parties they can get smashed at. Or just have a good time I suppose... I've never been to any real big parties before so I wouldn't know, but from what I've heard from fellow male friends, all I think of when I hear the word "party" is: alcohol, girls, and possibly drugs, but mostly alcohol... I was never the party type. I'm not a very social person either, but I'm social in my own way.
Another friend of mine invited me to come visit her church for some halloween thing for children (games etc). They said another friend (not from the church) was coming to visit and insisted that I come join. It seems pretty fun, I'm probably going to go visit over there tomorrow if anything.
Anyways my mom's friend was planning a get together to see Paranormal Activity 2 and I highly suggested that my mom go out and see it, but she hadn't seen the first one yet. So I decided to spend my uneventful Saturday night (last night) re-watching the first Paranormal Activity with my mom. It wasn't as scary as the first time in the theaters, but it was still scary nonetheless. I still enjoyed it a lot. Don't understand why so many people disliked the movie. Many people told me the movie wasn't that scary and was boring. Especially the beginning. I can understand why people would find the beginning boring and uninteresting, but I personally really liked it because that portion of the movie was character development. And character development is crucial in most good stories. You can't just have a horror movie flat scaring the audience (or trying to) from beginning to end. Those types of movies just turn out being lame. Not that I'm saying Paranormal Activity is a prime example, and I'm no expert movie critic, but I believe that any movie that can excel in its story AND genre is really good.
Various friends/groups of friends have invited me to go trick or treating with them this year, but I just didn't really feel like tricking or treating for some reason. My desire to spend a night running around getting free candy that I'll never eat just didn't peak my interest. Lame attempt at trying to spell out "maturity?" Don't think so. I'm being honest. I don't have a costume either, although I could always fish up an old one from my closet. Every year, finding a new costume was always the biggest problem. Took years to find one. I was never creative enough to come up with my own hahaha.
I wasn't in the mood to seek out any parties either. Half my friends want to go trick or treating while the other half of my friends are looking for some crackin parties they can get smashed at. Or just have a good time I suppose... I've never been to any real big parties before so I wouldn't know, but from what I've heard from fellow male friends, all I think of when I hear the word "party" is: alcohol, girls, and possibly drugs, but mostly alcohol... I was never the party type. I'm not a very social person either, but I'm social in my own way.
Another friend of mine invited me to come visit her church for some halloween thing for children (games etc). They said another friend (not from the church) was coming to visit and insisted that I come join. It seems pretty fun, I'm probably going to go visit over there tomorrow if anything.
Anyways my mom's friend was planning a get together to see Paranormal Activity 2 and I highly suggested that my mom go out and see it, but she hadn't seen the first one yet. So I decided to spend my uneventful Saturday night (last night) re-watching the first Paranormal Activity with my mom. It wasn't as scary as the first time in the theaters, but it was still scary nonetheless. I still enjoyed it a lot. Don't understand why so many people disliked the movie. Many people told me the movie wasn't that scary and was boring. Especially the beginning. I can understand why people would find the beginning boring and uninteresting, but I personally really liked it because that portion of the movie was character development. And character development is crucial in most good stories. You can't just have a horror movie flat scaring the audience (or trying to) from beginning to end. Those types of movies just turn out being lame. Not that I'm saying Paranormal Activity is a prime example, and I'm no expert movie critic, but I believe that any movie that can excel in its story AND genre is really good.
(FNM2) A Little Better This Time (+Venus Cafe Goodness)
After the failure of last friday's FNM I wanted to come back again this week a little stronger. It all comes with experience. Unfortunately I still did terrible. Still walked away with 1 win though. Worth a tournament report? No. But am I going to anyways? Yeah..
Blue. My least favorite color in magic. Well actually I like it lot, it's a very powerful color, but why do I dislike it? Because I suck at playing it. Some people love control decks, and I don't know how many times I've lost to control decks, but for some reason I JUST can't play them. Knowing when to save mana for a counterspell or when to continue playing creatures is a tough choice for me. I don't know, I just never seem to do it right. But for some reason.. I always end up drafting blue. I don't.. know.. why... If there's something I have an eye for, it's creatures with flying. Those things have been my bestestbestest friends evers. I prefer red and white aggro, but as soon as I start picking up a bunch of blue fliers I think 'Damnit, now I have to pull out counterspells unless I manage to find a bunch of removal in some other color..' I'm just a terrible drafter.
Anyways, I ended up going blue red because of an early Galvanic Blast and Arc Trail I picked up in pack 2. Otherwise I spent the rest my first pack picking expensive blue creatures and fliers... Those damned fliers. I'll try to open my chinky eyes a little wider and check out the other kinds of creatures Magic has to offer next friday...
1 Argent Sphinx
1 Sky-Eel School
2 Vedalken Certarch
1 Lumengrid Drake
1 Darkslick Drake
1 Blade-Tribe Berserkers
1 Saberclaw Golem
1 Palladium Myr
1 Rust Tick
1 Silver Myr
2 Vulshock Replica
1 Neurok Replica
1 Snapsail Glider
1 Stoic Rebuttal
1 Turn Aside
2 Disperse
1 Arc Trail
1 Galvanic Blast
1 Bladed Pinions
1 Panic Spellbomb
10 Island
7 Mountain
Round 1:
My first opponent was a fairly chubby asian guy. He was a nice guy, running white blue control. Problem was, our games ended up running extremely long. The first game I beat him no problem. Once I get at least 2 fliers out and I'm swinging for 4 every turn, it's hard to keep up. Second game, he managed to get three of those 2drops out that gain first strike and lifelink when equipped. And then he had Accorder's Shield and Bladed Pinions moving around on them. He was able to beat me down to 7 life until I finally started stabilizing with all my creatures. Both of our boards were filled and we hit a standstill. Him at 30something life and me at 7. Eventually we both began to get careless and he drew enough cards to win to by swinging with his entire board. Unfortunately I could have sworn I heard time of the round be called way before then. Our second game should have been and draw and me walking away with a win, but oh well. We went into the 3rd game not realizing time was already up (although I was somewhat aware of it). I'm pretty sure my opponent just wanted to make sure he didn't lose. He was going as fast as he could on the 2nd game, while I wasn't particularly TRYING to stall, I was just questioning the time of the round... Anyways, I started the 3rd round very strong with an early Arc Trail wipe and my flying creatures coming out early, but then the judge came over and yelled at us for going WAAAAY over time. We ended in a draw even though I was about to win... 1-1
Round 2:
My next opponent was a friend I haven't seen in a while. Skinny and asian. He was playing red aggro I know that for sure, although I don't recall whether he was running a second color or not.. But even if he was, it didn't really matter. Most of his cards were red. He started the first game off super fast with a Memnite and then a bunch of small creatures shortly after. His early blitz successfully pulled me beneath 10 life, but by that time, I stabilized and he ran out of steam. My flying creatures just went to town from there. Round 2, he kept a 5 land hand with a Memnite in it. His mana flood didn't help at all. 2-0
Round 3:
Yet another asian friend of mine. Recently got a job at a hospital as a nurse. He was extremely buff. Said he has to work out for lifting patients and whatnot. His deck was black/white aggro with a little myr theme on the side. My deck worked the way it was supposed to on the first round. Getting those fliers out turns 3-5 is absolutely crucial, otherwise my deck never seemed to stand a chance. Game 2 and 3 he managed to pull out his Sunblast Angel and various other advantages against my deck. I didn't stand a chance. He ended up making it to the finals. 1-2
Round 4:
Another asian friend haha. His deck was either black/green or black/white with a splash of red for 2 Galvanic Blasts. I don't quite remember.. Anyways, like the rest of my rounds, my deck worked out in the first round the way it was supposed. Got those fliers out and pounded away. He put up a threat and said, "Hey, lets race!" but before he got a chance to attack, I used both of my disperses on his army. I won the first game with like.. 19 life I think. Maybe 17? Second game he manages to pull a mountain and both of his Galvanic Blasts in the first few turns, which laid waste to my creatures. Third game he just flat out beat me, I don't remember how. 1-2
Walked away with a worthless booster pack... Both people I lost to and the person I drew with made it to top 4. Oh well at least I did better this time around. I should have been 2-2 given more time (or LESS) in the first round. As hungry as we all were, me and 3 other guys decided to drive over to Newark to Venus Cafe. It was in the same parking lot as my old Taekwondo school where I used to work! It's weird too because I went there for like 5 years and never went to this Venus Cafe once! It was amazing! It was almost midnight and the place was PACKED. It was like the table we sat at the was last available table in there. At that time of night? And of all ages too! Usually at this time of night, any place with an abundance of asians is usually full of college students, but not this place. All of us were chinese so they discussed it with me. They said that it was a Hong Kong style restaurant/cafe which are (obviously) abundant in Hong Kong. According to one of them, he said that Chinese will often go out to places like those to eat breakfast because it's quick and cheap. I ended up getting a HUGE pot/plate/bowl thing FILLED with rice COVERED in porkchops onions and black bean sauce. I took a picture on my phone, but I didn't have a memory card in my phone at the time and I can't figure out how to transfer files from my phone's memory to the memory card. Oh well, the dinner was absolutely AMAZING and I could barely finish it. Two of the other guys I was with ordered something similar to mine and they could barely finish half of theirs. It was a LOT of food for only 7 bucks. Didn't take that long to come out either. Beats any american diner ANY DAY (EG: Denny's, Ihop, Applebees, etc).
It was a really fun night in total. One of the guys wanted to cube draft REALLY bad, but we didn't have time for it unfortunately. So instead him and one of the other guys played with their draft decks from FNM instead. So basically we had huge rice plates and Magic cards covering our entire table using Sweet & Low's as tokens hahahahaha.
"This is gonna be a sugary death! Like diabetes!"
One of the guys cracked a lot of silly jokes, though I seemed to be the only one cracking up besides himself...
Luckily for me, that same guy ended up paying for ALL of us. That was just too nice of him. One of the other guys tried paying for everyone, but he wouldn't let him. Instead we all agreed that he could pay for us next friday! I'm definitely going out drafting next friday for sure if it means free dinner. I love those guys. Fun times.
Blue. My least favorite color in magic. Well actually I like it lot, it's a very powerful color, but why do I dislike it? Because I suck at playing it. Some people love control decks, and I don't know how many times I've lost to control decks, but for some reason I JUST can't play them. Knowing when to save mana for a counterspell or when to continue playing creatures is a tough choice for me. I don't know, I just never seem to do it right. But for some reason.. I always end up drafting blue. I don't.. know.. why... If there's something I have an eye for, it's creatures with flying. Those things have been my bestestbestest friends evers. I prefer red and white aggro, but as soon as I start picking up a bunch of blue fliers I think 'Damnit, now I have to pull out counterspells unless I manage to find a bunch of removal in some other color..' I'm just a terrible drafter.
Anyways, I ended up going blue red because of an early Galvanic Blast and Arc Trail I picked up in pack 2. Otherwise I spent the rest my first pack picking expensive blue creatures and fliers... Those damned fliers. I'll try to open my chinky eyes a little wider and check out the other kinds of creatures Magic has to offer next friday...
1 Argent Sphinx
1 Sky-Eel School
2 Vedalken Certarch
1 Lumengrid Drake
1 Darkslick Drake
1 Blade-Tribe Berserkers
1 Saberclaw Golem
1 Palladium Myr
1 Rust Tick
1 Silver Myr
2 Vulshock Replica
1 Neurok Replica
1 Snapsail Glider
1 Stoic Rebuttal
1 Turn Aside
2 Disperse
1 Arc Trail
1 Galvanic Blast
1 Bladed Pinions
1 Panic Spellbomb
10 Island
7 Mountain
Round 1:
My first opponent was a fairly chubby asian guy. He was a nice guy, running white blue control. Problem was, our games ended up running extremely long. The first game I beat him no problem. Once I get at least 2 fliers out and I'm swinging for 4 every turn, it's hard to keep up. Second game, he managed to get three of those 2drops out that gain first strike and lifelink when equipped. And then he had Accorder's Shield and Bladed Pinions moving around on them. He was able to beat me down to 7 life until I finally started stabilizing with all my creatures. Both of our boards were filled and we hit a standstill. Him at 30something life and me at 7. Eventually we both began to get careless and he drew enough cards to win to by swinging with his entire board. Unfortunately I could have sworn I heard time of the round be called way before then. Our second game should have been and draw and me walking away with a win, but oh well. We went into the 3rd game not realizing time was already up (although I was somewhat aware of it). I'm pretty sure my opponent just wanted to make sure he didn't lose. He was going as fast as he could on the 2nd game, while I wasn't particularly TRYING to stall, I was just questioning the time of the round... Anyways, I started the 3rd round very strong with an early Arc Trail wipe and my flying creatures coming out early, but then the judge came over and yelled at us for going WAAAAY over time. We ended in a draw even though I was about to win... 1-1
Round 2:
My next opponent was a friend I haven't seen in a while. Skinny and asian. He was playing red aggro I know that for sure, although I don't recall whether he was running a second color or not.. But even if he was, it didn't really matter. Most of his cards were red. He started the first game off super fast with a Memnite and then a bunch of small creatures shortly after. His early blitz successfully pulled me beneath 10 life, but by that time, I stabilized and he ran out of steam. My flying creatures just went to town from there. Round 2, he kept a 5 land hand with a Memnite in it. His mana flood didn't help at all. 2-0
Round 3:
Yet another asian friend of mine. Recently got a job at a hospital as a nurse. He was extremely buff. Said he has to work out for lifting patients and whatnot. His deck was black/white aggro with a little myr theme on the side. My deck worked the way it was supposed to on the first round. Getting those fliers out turns 3-5 is absolutely crucial, otherwise my deck never seemed to stand a chance. Game 2 and 3 he managed to pull out his Sunblast Angel and various other advantages against my deck. I didn't stand a chance. He ended up making it to the finals. 1-2
Round 4:
Another asian friend haha. His deck was either black/green or black/white with a splash of red for 2 Galvanic Blasts. I don't quite remember.. Anyways, like the rest of my rounds, my deck worked out in the first round the way it was supposed. Got those fliers out and pounded away. He put up a threat and said, "Hey, lets race!" but before he got a chance to attack, I used both of my disperses on his army. I won the first game with like.. 19 life I think. Maybe 17? Second game he manages to pull a mountain and both of his Galvanic Blasts in the first few turns, which laid waste to my creatures. Third game he just flat out beat me, I don't remember how. 1-2
Walked away with a worthless booster pack... Both people I lost to and the person I drew with made it to top 4. Oh well at least I did better this time around. I should have been 2-2 given more time (or LESS) in the first round. As hungry as we all were, me and 3 other guys decided to drive over to Newark to Venus Cafe. It was in the same parking lot as my old Taekwondo school where I used to work! It's weird too because I went there for like 5 years and never went to this Venus Cafe once! It was amazing! It was almost midnight and the place was PACKED. It was like the table we sat at the was last available table in there. At that time of night? And of all ages too! Usually at this time of night, any place with an abundance of asians is usually full of college students, but not this place. All of us were chinese so they discussed it with me. They said that it was a Hong Kong style restaurant/cafe which are (obviously) abundant in Hong Kong. According to one of them, he said that Chinese will often go out to places like those to eat breakfast because it's quick and cheap. I ended up getting a HUGE pot/plate/bowl thing FILLED with rice COVERED in porkchops onions and black bean sauce. I took a picture on my phone, but I didn't have a memory card in my phone at the time and I can't figure out how to transfer files from my phone's memory to the memory card. Oh well, the dinner was absolutely AMAZING and I could barely finish it. Two of the other guys I was with ordered something similar to mine and they could barely finish half of theirs. It was a LOT of food for only 7 bucks. Didn't take that long to come out either. Beats any american diner ANY DAY (EG: Denny's, Ihop, Applebees, etc).
It was a really fun night in total. One of the guys wanted to cube draft REALLY bad, but we didn't have time for it unfortunately. So instead him and one of the other guys played with their draft decks from FNM instead. So basically we had huge rice plates and Magic cards covering our entire table using Sweet & Low's as tokens hahahahaha.
"This is gonna be a sugary death! Like diabetes!"
One of the guys cracked a lot of silly jokes, though I seemed to be the only one cracking up besides himself...
Luckily for me, that same guy ended up paying for ALL of us. That was just too nice of him. One of the other guys tried paying for everyone, but he wouldn't let him. Instead we all agreed that he could pay for us next friday! I'm definitely going out drafting next friday for sure if it means free dinner. I love those guys. Fun times.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Eating Fail
So the week before last week, I wanted to NOT eat rice for 2 weeks to see if it would do anything. Unfortunately it didn't...
My mom used to always tell me my belly came from always eating so much rice and that if I cut down on my rice intake, my belly would also go down a little. As much as I wanted to believe her, I could never get myself to doing it until now. I kept track of which days I did eat rice and which days I didn't. Throughout my 2 weeks of no rice I do admit to eating a little bit. And even if I did it was usually only one bowls worth. Never went back for seconds.
That main problem with eating no rice was that it canceled out a lot of the foods I regularly ate. So the foods I ate instead consisted of mostly noodles and other kinds of carbohydrates. My little 2 week test-diet didn't really work out.
Lately I've been going through some rice withdrawals. It's like my favorite food on the entire planet! I can't live without it. I just have a slow metabolism. What I really need to do is watch my carbohydrate intake and work towards increasing my metabolism.
My mom used to always tell me my belly came from always eating so much rice and that if I cut down on my rice intake, my belly would also go down a little. As much as I wanted to believe her, I could never get myself to doing it until now. I kept track of which days I did eat rice and which days I didn't. Throughout my 2 weeks of no rice I do admit to eating a little bit. And even if I did it was usually only one bowls worth. Never went back for seconds.
That main problem with eating no rice was that it canceled out a lot of the foods I regularly ate. So the foods I ate instead consisted of mostly noodles and other kinds of carbohydrates. My little 2 week test-diet didn't really work out.
Lately I've been going through some rice withdrawals. It's like my favorite food on the entire planet! I can't live without it. I just have a slow metabolism. What I really need to do is watch my carbohydrate intake and work towards increasing my metabolism.
Tuesday Day Off (+Rant About Beggars)
Today I got absolutely nothing done. I've had a stomach ache all day, but I wanted to relax as much as possible. I spent just about the entire day listening to music and watching anime. Kinda brings me back to the days of freshman year in high school where all I did was watch anime. I actually got a bit of piano practice in today as well. My dad and I rode our motorcycles out to Mcdonalds for dinner which was a lot of fun. I haven't been on my motorcycle in months! Glad to be back on that thing. Problem is, it's been sitting in the garage for so long, it was having all sorts of problems. The battery ended up dying and I had to sit at Mcdonalds and wait for my dad to ride home and get the jumper box to jump-start my motorcycle.
While I was waiting at the Mac Shack, a fairly old woman approached me asking for a dime. She had a cell phone in her hand so she didn't look to be a hobo or anything, however I could be totally wrong. She waddled and occasionally limped as she walked, and had improper speech. Perhaps she was.. half retarded? I don't know. I started off by pulling pennies one at a time from my pocket. If I pulled all the coins in my pocket at once, she might ask for all of them. All the coins in my pocket turned out to be pennies aside from a lone quarter which I ended up giving to her. As soon as I handed her the quarter she asked me to buy her a burger at Mickey D's. Ridiculous! How are you going to beg someone for money, get some, then beg for more? Obviously she was milking me for all my worth, which was unacceptable. She didn't even offer a sob story to arouse my sympathy. I felt nothing for her and refused to purchase a burger for her. I truly dislike beggars for a clear reason. No matter how much sympathy one can fish out of you, you have to realize that, by them coming up to you and begging for money, means that they're spending time asking multiple people. Now if someone has time to spend a day begging for money, they could be spending that time looking for a job, or for a better solution. Survival of the fittest... You also have to remember that beggars had to have done something obviously really bad or stupid to be put in a situation like that. Going to a parking lot to beg for money is the last thing I would do, and if I ever came to that point, I would have to be half-dead. One time a felt somewhat okay giving up money was at a gas station. The guy said he was trapped and out of gas. But you honestly have to be an idiot to be driving a car with no gas and no money in your wallet and then run out of gas in the suburbs. I believe there are other solutions for people before you're put into the stage of begging in public. If you ever do get that far, obviously something went wrong. I guess if someone was genuinely screwed over, I would consider giving them money...
*They say 90% of hobos are mentally ill. Interesting.. Would you agree that as a society, we pretend that mental illness does not exist and speaking of it around those type of people is considered taboo?
Oh yeah. I absolutely hate beggars who get mad when they don't get what they want. Those kind of people are just.. low.. Seriously.. One time a kid was going door to door attempting to sell magazine subscriptions or something really useless to the average person. Obviously he wasn't getting any business because he was begging me. He gave me a really long sob story too about the money going towards his life and school and college and whatnot. At first I thought he was lying straight out of his teeth until he started begging me to just buy whatever it was he was selling, then he would pay my back. Because apparently he profits off making numerous sales. At that point I just... looked down upon him for going that low... If college money was the issue I should've told him what financial aid was. I'm beginning to think he was really shitting me. After I refused multiple times and told him to go ask someone else, he turned around and looked back at me with a glare and nodded his head in a "no" pattern as if I was a terrible person or something. If only I was a little older. Giving him proper advice rather than money would have been the right thing to do. It's always a matter of ethics.. That kid was just looking for answers in the wrong places.
Anyways, kung fu wasn't too bad tonight. It wasn't as tiring as most other nights and we did something a little boring, but it was okay. We still got to practice aerial twists, which is always fun. I wanted to get to most out of my class tonight, so I stayed after class and asked for help on my bo-staff form. I didn't go home as sweaty and excited as I usually do. Not as many endorphins tonight I suppose.
I was hoping I could get some Dj'ing in and possibly some more Bioshock in, but unfortunately I didn't. I ended up spending my short spare time watching a couple more episodes of Samurai Champloo. It's really refreshing to watch it for some reason. I find it very entertaining.
I wanted to do a little of homework today too, but I got lazy..
The thought of going back to school tomorrow saddens me. It's the same feeling I always get when I'm pulled back into reality. It sucks, but I strive for success, so I gotta hold my head high and continue to move forward.
While I was waiting at the Mac Shack, a fairly old woman approached me asking for a dime. She had a cell phone in her hand so she didn't look to be a hobo or anything, however I could be totally wrong. She waddled and occasionally limped as she walked, and had improper speech. Perhaps she was.. half retarded? I don't know. I started off by pulling pennies one at a time from my pocket. If I pulled all the coins in my pocket at once, she might ask for all of them. All the coins in my pocket turned out to be pennies aside from a lone quarter which I ended up giving to her. As soon as I handed her the quarter she asked me to buy her a burger at Mickey D's. Ridiculous! How are you going to beg someone for money, get some, then beg for more? Obviously she was milking me for all my worth, which was unacceptable. She didn't even offer a sob story to arouse my sympathy. I felt nothing for her and refused to purchase a burger for her. I truly dislike beggars for a clear reason. No matter how much sympathy one can fish out of you, you have to realize that, by them coming up to you and begging for money, means that they're spending time asking multiple people. Now if someone has time to spend a day begging for money, they could be spending that time looking for a job, or for a better solution. Survival of the fittest... You also have to remember that beggars had to have done something obviously really bad or stupid to be put in a situation like that. Going to a parking lot to beg for money is the last thing I would do, and if I ever came to that point, I would have to be half-dead. One time a felt somewhat okay giving up money was at a gas station. The guy said he was trapped and out of gas. But you honestly have to be an idiot to be driving a car with no gas and no money in your wallet and then run out of gas in the suburbs. I believe there are other solutions for people before you're put into the stage of begging in public. If you ever do get that far, obviously something went wrong. I guess if someone was genuinely screwed over, I would consider giving them money...
*They say 90% of hobos are mentally ill. Interesting.. Would you agree that as a society, we pretend that mental illness does not exist and speaking of it around those type of people is considered taboo?
Oh yeah. I absolutely hate beggars who get mad when they don't get what they want. Those kind of people are just.. low.. Seriously.. One time a kid was going door to door attempting to sell magazine subscriptions or something really useless to the average person. Obviously he wasn't getting any business because he was begging me. He gave me a really long sob story too about the money going towards his life and school and college and whatnot. At first I thought he was lying straight out of his teeth until he started begging me to just buy whatever it was he was selling, then he would pay my back. Because apparently he profits off making numerous sales. At that point I just... looked down upon him for going that low... If college money was the issue I should've told him what financial aid was. I'm beginning to think he was really shitting me. After I refused multiple times and told him to go ask someone else, he turned around and looked back at me with a glare and nodded his head in a "no" pattern as if I was a terrible person or something. If only I was a little older. Giving him proper advice rather than money would have been the right thing to do. It's always a matter of ethics.. That kid was just looking for answers in the wrong places.
Anyways, kung fu wasn't too bad tonight. It wasn't as tiring as most other nights and we did something a little boring, but it was okay. We still got to practice aerial twists, which is always fun. I wanted to get to most out of my class tonight, so I stayed after class and asked for help on my bo-staff form. I didn't go home as sweaty and excited as I usually do. Not as many endorphins tonight I suppose.
I was hoping I could get some Dj'ing in and possibly some more Bioshock in, but unfortunately I didn't. I ended up spending my short spare time watching a couple more episodes of Samurai Champloo. It's really refreshing to watch it for some reason. I find it very entertaining.
I wanted to do a little of homework today too, but I got lazy..
The thought of going back to school tomorrow saddens me. It's the same feeling I always get when I'm pulled back into reality. It sucks, but I strive for success, so I gotta hold my head high and continue to move forward.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Free Time For Some Relaxing Days
Today was an easy day for me and tomorrow I have no school! All I had was music and math today which are both fairly easy classes. Especially music. Right now I have about 126% in that class. If I continue doing all of the extra credit in that class I can skip the final test and still pass the class with an A. I also miraculously have 101% in my math class which I find awfully hard to believe considering I'm the only one in the class with that grade. I'm still very proud of myself nonetheless.
I spent today doing pretty much nothing, so I finally got a chance to do some things I haven't done for literally months! I haven't been able to indulge myself into an anime for a long time so I decided to download (last night) Samurai Champloo so I could watch some today. I only got 4 episodes in, but it was entertaining. I didn't like it when I first saw it as a child on cartoon network, but now that I know it's an anime that combines elements of hiphop with traditional japanese samurais from the Edo period, I find that absolutely fascinating. Especially since one of their albums was produced by Nujabes. That just makes it 100x better.
My mom took me out for pho (upon my request) when she got home from work. I haven't had pho in daaaays. Loved it.
I also wasted a lot of time watching fail videos on youtube...
But that's because I was waiting for my PS3 to finish installing its update. That's right, I finally picked up my console controller after so many months. I've been having this little crave in the back of my head dying to play some Bioshock for the longest time. Being the pussy I am, I always feel intimidated when I think about playing it, but I always have a blast when I actually get around to playing it. I personally think the game is REALLY scary, and I love it! Got a nice 3 hours or so until I started feeling tired. It's amazing how terrible I am at fps games. I died more times than I could count.
Last night I also started playing Chrono Trigger (remake) on the Nintendo DS for the first time last night. It's supposedly one of the greatest rpg games ever created. I tend to buy a lot of (must-have) games on a whim, but I never get around to playing them for more than 20 minutes before never touching them again. I have to say, I'm enjoying this game a lot so far. I'm actually about to go play a little bit right now before I go to sleep.
And tomorrow I have no school, so unless people want to hang out with me, I'm probably going to spend my entire day lounging around the house having myself a relaxing day! I have barely any homework too. I love times like these in the middle of the school year. I try to make the most of them.
I spent today doing pretty much nothing, so I finally got a chance to do some things I haven't done for literally months! I haven't been able to indulge myself into an anime for a long time so I decided to download (last night) Samurai Champloo so I could watch some today. I only got 4 episodes in, but it was entertaining. I didn't like it when I first saw it as a child on cartoon network, but now that I know it's an anime that combines elements of hiphop with traditional japanese samurais from the Edo period, I find that absolutely fascinating. Especially since one of their albums was produced by Nujabes. That just makes it 100x better.
My mom took me out for pho (upon my request) when she got home from work. I haven't had pho in daaaays. Loved it.
I also wasted a lot of time watching fail videos on youtube...
But that's because I was waiting for my PS3 to finish installing its update. That's right, I finally picked up my console controller after so many months. I've been having this little crave in the back of my head dying to play some Bioshock for the longest time. Being the pussy I am, I always feel intimidated when I think about playing it, but I always have a blast when I actually get around to playing it. I personally think the game is REALLY scary, and I love it! Got a nice 3 hours or so until I started feeling tired. It's amazing how terrible I am at fps games. I died more times than I could count.
Last night I also started playing Chrono Trigger (remake) on the Nintendo DS for the first time last night. It's supposedly one of the greatest rpg games ever created. I tend to buy a lot of (must-have) games on a whim, but I never get around to playing them for more than 20 minutes before never touching them again. I have to say, I'm enjoying this game a lot so far. I'm actually about to go play a little bit right now before I go to sleep.
And tomorrow I have no school, so unless people want to hang out with me, I'm probably going to spend my entire day lounging around the house having myself a relaxing day! I have barely any homework too. I love times like these in the middle of the school year. I try to make the most of them.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Weak Tummy
Lately my stomach has been hurting a lot and I've been taking an awful lot of trips to the bathroom. When I was a kid, I was actually lactose intolerant, but nowadays it hasn't been so bad. But for the past few days I've been getting that same pain used to always get whenever I ate some sort of dairy product. I don't know if it's from eating too much dairy... or if I just ate something bad. It could be some sort of food poisoning for all I know. Whatever it is, I hope it goes away soon. Uugh my stomach hurts right now.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Lack of Sleep Leads to an Uneventful Sunday
Friday night I stayed up until 6:30 in the morning updating this blog. Then Saturday night, I went out to see Paranormal Activity 2 which meant for some horrible sleep. When I saw Paranormal Activity 1, I was sleeping in the living room trying my best to man out the night, but I couldn't deny the fact that I was terrified by the movie. I laid there for a long time trying to force myself asleep until I heard a sudden shuffle of papers on the dining room table behind me. My family tends to throw all the mail into a giant stack on the table. I couldn't think of any logical explanation why paper would be moving by itself in the middle of the night so instantly my blanket flew over me and I was scared shitless. I could feel waves of chills constantly flowing throughout my body from terror it was the most uncomfortable feeling, I was laying wide awake for the next half hour.
Anyways, last night after seeing PA2, I wanted to, by all means necessary, prevent myself from being terrified y everything in my house. In simpler terms, I was afraid of being afraid. So when I went to bed, I closed my door, closed my window, turned on my fan, and slept with my ipod in my ears the entire night. That way I wouldn't have to hear any random noises that would otherwise freak me out. But if there's a mistake I made, it was looking up things I found curious online. I was looking up the differences between demons and ghosts, and I was looking up youtube videos of ouija boards some of which featured fake acts of people becoming possessed. I'm not going to lie, as fake as they are, it's still creepy. When I went to bed I was so afraid of becoming afraid, it was glued to my head. So I ended up having dreams of all those paranormal things that were on my mind. On top of the music constantly being in my ear, I kept awakening in between each dream. I never fell into a deep enough sleep where I was capable of utilizing most of my 5 senses which I'm kind of glad for because I wouldn't want to interact with a nightmare... For most of the night I kept waking up sweating, but I didn't want to leave my blanket. It gave me a sense of security for some reason. I think it's like that for a lot of people.
Getting 6 or 7 hours of horrible sleep, I woke up hoping I could go out to play some cards, but no one was at Hobbytown today unfortunately. So I just went home thinking of all the other things I could do. As I was typing on my computer I suddenly felt extremely tired and I just passed out on my couch right there sitting up straight. I spent the rest of my day sleeping on my couch. I did get a little cleaning done today, but otherwise I got nothing else done...
Anyways, last night after seeing PA2, I wanted to, by all means necessary, prevent myself from being terrified y everything in my house. In simpler terms, I was afraid of being afraid. So when I went to bed, I closed my door, closed my window, turned on my fan, and slept with my ipod in my ears the entire night. That way I wouldn't have to hear any random noises that would otherwise freak me out. But if there's a mistake I made, it was looking up things I found curious online. I was looking up the differences between demons and ghosts, and I was looking up youtube videos of ouija boards some of which featured fake acts of people becoming possessed. I'm not going to lie, as fake as they are, it's still creepy. When I went to bed I was so afraid of becoming afraid, it was glued to my head. So I ended up having dreams of all those paranormal things that were on my mind. On top of the music constantly being in my ear, I kept awakening in between each dream. I never fell into a deep enough sleep where I was capable of utilizing most of my 5 senses which I'm kind of glad for because I wouldn't want to interact with a nightmare... For most of the night I kept waking up sweating, but I didn't want to leave my blanket. It gave me a sense of security for some reason. I think it's like that for a lot of people.
Getting 6 or 7 hours of horrible sleep, I woke up hoping I could go out to play some cards, but no one was at Hobbytown today unfortunately. So I just went home thinking of all the other things I could do. As I was typing on my computer I suddenly felt extremely tired and I just passed out on my couch right there sitting up straight. I spent the rest of my day sleeping on my couch. I did get a little cleaning done today, but otherwise I got nothing else done...
Paranormal Activity 2 = HELLA SCARY
I loved watching the first one and I heard the second was even better, so I was ecstatic to finally go out and see this one.
SPOILER ALERT: I'm speaking in a sense that the reader has already seen this movie.
It was obvious this movie was pulled out of their asses for the money. This prequel/sequel, was heavily tied with the first, hitting theaters only a year later. It did a great job of enriching the story of the first, but canceled out all of the alternate endings to the first.
What was different about this movie compared to the first was the use of surveillance cameras placed all around the house. Each view covered large portions of the house, so every time the night would come, your eyes would dart across the screen looking for things to happen in each room. It added to the suspense quite a bit (for me at least).
A lot more jump scenes were added to this movies as opposed to the first which directly attacked your psyche. There were a few unnecessary jump scenes such as a bird hitting the window or a rat crossing the screen in the basement, but other jumps felt like they were right at home. The one scene that really got the audience going was when all of the cabinets in the kitchen flew open. The bang was so loud and the entire screen spontaneously exploded that the audience couldn't help but scream. The scare factor in my nerves were so high that instead of jumping out of my seat, my body was subconsciously cringing into a ball as I desperately tried not to let my eyes slam shut. I didn't want to miss a single thing.
It seems like there's space for a possible trilogy, but I can't quite put my finger on what it would be about. People suggest that they could go back to how the grandmother made the pact with the demon, but what are the chances of there being footage of that? Others suggest that it be based on the surviving girl, Ali searching for Katie and Hunter, but she wasn't even directly related to the family. My cousin suggested that they go where Katie and Hunter left off, but that wouldn't make sense because their whereabouts are supposed to be unknown. Not only that, since the possessed Katie has Hunter now, theoretically he should be dead. The baby was supposed to be a sacrifice wasn't he?
Other questions:
Why was Katie's necklace the only thing missing in the beginning, when the demon wanted the baby in the first place?
How did the burnt photo end up in Katie's attic?
How did the cross remove the demon and burning the picture transfer it?
And why wasn't the demon repelled when Katie held the cross in the first movie?
Why did the demon have to possess someone in order to get the baby?
What happened when the demon got the baby to walk to the basement? Seems like nothing happened that night.
SPOILER ALERT: I'm speaking in a sense that the reader has already seen this movie.
It was obvious this movie was pulled out of their asses for the money. This prequel/sequel, was heavily tied with the first, hitting theaters only a year later. It did a great job of enriching the story of the first, but canceled out all of the alternate endings to the first.
What was different about this movie compared to the first was the use of surveillance cameras placed all around the house. Each view covered large portions of the house, so every time the night would come, your eyes would dart across the screen looking for things to happen in each room. It added to the suspense quite a bit (for me at least).
A lot more jump scenes were added to this movies as opposed to the first which directly attacked your psyche. There were a few unnecessary jump scenes such as a bird hitting the window or a rat crossing the screen in the basement, but other jumps felt like they were right at home. The one scene that really got the audience going was when all of the cabinets in the kitchen flew open. The bang was so loud and the entire screen spontaneously exploded that the audience couldn't help but scream. The scare factor in my nerves were so high that instead of jumping out of my seat, my body was subconsciously cringing into a ball as I desperately tried not to let my eyes slam shut. I didn't want to miss a single thing.
It seems like there's space for a possible trilogy, but I can't quite put my finger on what it would be about. People suggest that they could go back to how the grandmother made the pact with the demon, but what are the chances of there being footage of that? Others suggest that it be based on the surviving girl, Ali searching for Katie and Hunter, but she wasn't even directly related to the family. My cousin suggested that they go where Katie and Hunter left off, but that wouldn't make sense because their whereabouts are supposed to be unknown. Not only that, since the possessed Katie has Hunter now, theoretically he should be dead. The baby was supposed to be a sacrifice wasn't he?
Other questions:
Why was Katie's necklace the only thing missing in the beginning, when the demon wanted the baby in the first place?
How did the burnt photo end up in Katie's attic?
How did the cross remove the demon and burning the picture transfer it?
And why wasn't the demon repelled when Katie held the cross in the first movie?
Why did the demon have to possess someone in order to get the baby?
What happened when the demon got the baby to walk to the basement? Seems like nothing happened that night.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
(FNM1) Friday Night Magic (Plus Madfish Dinner)
*Since I've moved to blogspot, this will be the first FNM
The new Scars of Mirrodin set released a few weeks ago and I still haven't drafted it yet! I wanted to take a shot at it as soon as I could. I'm totally new to the set so I wasn't too sure what to expect. I find this set extremely intimidating because the set is (in my opinion) very skill intensive. Peoples' games tend to run longer. I find myself and other players thinking more often before making a move or responding to one. Playing sealed at the prerelease was a downer for me because not only was my pool bad, I had a difficult time with all my games. Lots of thinking...
Yesterday I drafted a Blue White deck first picking Dissipation field. Not only did this pull me towards blue, it lost me games... Being in a 5 man pod, there just wasn't enough to make a solid blue white deck.
I wasn't planning on making a tournament report because I went 0-3 (+bye), but we all learn from our mistakes, so I'll make this one quick..
Round 1:
Played against mono-black infect, with extra random aggro just to keep it monoblack. He actually won a lot of his games through normal damage too. I lost to my Dissipation Field bouncing his Carnifex Demon that was mutilating my creatures every turn. Especially since he had that artifact that gives +1/+1 and haste...
After this round I tried splashing black for Geth, Lord of the Vault. He never ever ever helped....
Round 2:
Once again lost to my Dissipation Field bouncing his black metalcraft guy (Metalcraft: when this creature comes into play, opponent loses 4 life and you gain 4 life.) because he also had that equipment that gave +1/+1 and haste. We finished our games in a matter of minutes. Literally.
Geth never came out.
After this round I removed my Dissipation Field from my deck...... First pick ruined my entire draft...
Round 3:
BYE, free booster for being a sucka!
Round 4:
Green/Black infect. I lost first game to him giving +x/+x lethal to his unblocked infect creatures. Lost second game to giving his 7/7 fatty +1/+0 and infect.
Geth came out for a turn but didn't help.
Well that draft sucked. My booster had nothing good in it either.. So what did I learn tonight? hmmmm....... Lets see:
-I drafted a bunch of metal craft without enough artifacts which was the main reason why my entire pool was ruined. Artifacts come first. Metal craft comes second.
-Nobody likes to draft green, but its powerful with infect.
-Small man pods call for a less exciting draft.
-Dissipation Field sucks in limited.
-Geth doesn't work when your deck has nothing but bounce and no removal.
-I suck at control, but always end up drafting blue for some reason.
Ok so the draft sucked, but my friend and 2 of his friends were planning on going out to Little Madfish for dinner. Little Madfish is like an americanized japanese restaurant. Usually when I think of americanized asian restaurants I immediately assume BAD because of places like PF Chang's and Panda Express. But I like madfish. The restaurants are very stylish on the inside. Colorful and nothing like a usual japanese restaurant. I asked if I could tag along, and they were glad to have me with them.
We went to the one at Pacific Commons. Now what's special about Madfish is that they have a happy hour where a large selection of their foods are 50% off!!!
When we arrived it was pretty crackin in there. They were playing k-pop at booming volume levels (Taeyang, 2NE1, etc), and there were a lot of young asian people hanging around out there (considering Ohlone College is like right down the street). I really liked the environment around there for some reason. Probably because I'm asian haha.
We ended up ordering 12... TWELVE rolls of sushi. At most japanese restaurants, a roll of sushi is like $10. The good ones that is. But during happy hour it's only 5!! So it was only $60 for all 12 of those rolls.
When our waitress brought it all out (who was VERY cute by the way), the plates covered our entire table. We barely had space to eat! I didn't want to be a pig, but we all just dug in and feasted until we were about to die. About 2/3 way through our feast, our waitress asked us if we would like boxes and my friend was like "What boxes???" and we ended up finishing ALL the sushi hahahaha. Damn 12 rolls. I should have taken a picture of it. Our table was like a work of art. The amazing dinner definitely made my night. Amazing dinner.
Funny thing is, that same guy that said "what boxes?" also intentionally ordered a glass of Coke just so he could get a close look into our waitress' eyes when ordering and receiving it. Silly guy. He said it was worth the 2 bucks hahahaha.
Something that I liked about the night was the group I was with. They're all out of college already, so they're already matured, yet children at heart. Trying to fit in with a clicky highschool group of kids (or even a community college group of high school friends) is a much different experience than being around older people who share similar interests with you. I was able to related with everyone instantly. They gave me tips on the early stages of college life, we all talked about starcraft, and of course Magic. Even though it was nerdy, it was still comfortable and fun to be around them while eating massive amounts of sushi. It made for a different, yet interesting atmosphere.
The new Scars of Mirrodin set released a few weeks ago and I still haven't drafted it yet! I wanted to take a shot at it as soon as I could. I'm totally new to the set so I wasn't too sure what to expect. I find this set extremely intimidating because the set is (in my opinion) very skill intensive. Peoples' games tend to run longer. I find myself and other players thinking more often before making a move or responding to one. Playing sealed at the prerelease was a downer for me because not only was my pool bad, I had a difficult time with all my games. Lots of thinking...
Yesterday I drafted a Blue White deck first picking Dissipation field. Not only did this pull me towards blue, it lost me games... Being in a 5 man pod, there just wasn't enough to make a solid blue white deck.
I wasn't planning on making a tournament report because I went 0-3 (+bye), but we all learn from our mistakes, so I'll make this one quick..
Round 1:
Played against mono-black infect, with extra random aggro just to keep it monoblack. He actually won a lot of his games through normal damage too. I lost to my Dissipation Field bouncing his Carnifex Demon that was mutilating my creatures every turn. Especially since he had that artifact that gives +1/+1 and haste...
After this round I tried splashing black for Geth, Lord of the Vault. He never ever ever helped....
Round 2:
Once again lost to my Dissipation Field bouncing his black metalcraft guy (Metalcraft: when this creature comes into play, opponent loses 4 life and you gain 4 life.) because he also had that equipment that gave +1/+1 and haste. We finished our games in a matter of minutes. Literally.
Geth never came out.
After this round I removed my Dissipation Field from my deck...... First pick ruined my entire draft...
Round 3:
BYE, free booster for being a sucka!
Round 4:
Green/Black infect. I lost first game to him giving +x/+x lethal to his unblocked infect creatures. Lost second game to giving his 7/7 fatty +1/+0 and infect.
Geth came out for a turn but didn't help.
Well that draft sucked. My booster had nothing good in it either.. So what did I learn tonight? hmmmm....... Lets see:
-I drafted a bunch of metal craft without enough artifacts which was the main reason why my entire pool was ruined. Artifacts come first. Metal craft comes second.
-Nobody likes to draft green, but its powerful with infect.
-Small man pods call for a less exciting draft.
-Dissipation Field sucks in limited.
-Geth doesn't work when your deck has nothing but bounce and no removal.
-I suck at control, but always end up drafting blue for some reason.
Ok so the draft sucked, but my friend and 2 of his friends were planning on going out to Little Madfish for dinner. Little Madfish is like an americanized japanese restaurant. Usually when I think of americanized asian restaurants I immediately assume BAD because of places like PF Chang's and Panda Express. But I like madfish. The restaurants are very stylish on the inside. Colorful and nothing like a usual japanese restaurant. I asked if I could tag along, and they were glad to have me with them.
We went to the one at Pacific Commons. Now what's special about Madfish is that they have a happy hour where a large selection of their foods are 50% off!!!
When we arrived it was pretty crackin in there. They were playing k-pop at booming volume levels (Taeyang, 2NE1, etc), and there were a lot of young asian people hanging around out there (considering Ohlone College is like right down the street). I really liked the environment around there for some reason. Probably because I'm asian haha.
We ended up ordering 12... TWELVE rolls of sushi. At most japanese restaurants, a roll of sushi is like $10. The good ones that is. But during happy hour it's only 5!! So it was only $60 for all 12 of those rolls.
When our waitress brought it all out (who was VERY cute by the way), the plates covered our entire table. We barely had space to eat! I didn't want to be a pig, but we all just dug in and feasted until we were about to die. About 2/3 way through our feast, our waitress asked us if we would like boxes and my friend was like "What boxes???" and we ended up finishing ALL the sushi hahahaha. Damn 12 rolls. I should have taken a picture of it. Our table was like a work of art. The amazing dinner definitely made my night. Amazing dinner.
Funny thing is, that same guy that said "what boxes?" also intentionally ordered a glass of Coke just so he could get a close look into our waitress' eyes when ordering and receiving it. Silly guy. He said it was worth the 2 bucks hahahaha.
Something that I liked about the night was the group I was with. They're all out of college already, so they're already matured, yet children at heart. Trying to fit in with a clicky highschool group of kids (or even a community college group of high school friends) is a much different experience than being around older people who share similar interests with you. I was able to related with everyone instantly. They gave me tips on the early stages of college life, we all talked about starcraft, and of course Magic. Even though it was nerdy, it was still comfortable and fun to be around them while eating massive amounts of sushi. It made for a different, yet interesting atmosphere.
Need a Sweatshirt for the Winter
Last monday (10/18/10) I arrived to school finding out that my first 9:00am class was cancelled! That meant that my following class wasn't until 1:30pm! A few friends and I were chillin in the library and I said, "Haha, well I need to buy a sweatshirt for the winter, we should just go to the mall."
One of my friends found this to be a great idea and insisted on going. Another friend felt uninvited even though we were speaking in a sense that it was a given for her to come along too.. And another acquaintance invited himself, which was fine because I'm always open to meeting new people. The only problem was that he was constantly talking. He was a very smart person. He kept talking about how smart he was (in a modest way), and how good of a boyfriend he was, and other random stories. On a later portion of the day, the rest of us agreed to "eventually just phasing him out". No hard feelings to him or anything though.
We all went to Newpark Mall, but I found no luck in finding a sweatshirt.. Oh well, until next time! I've been wearing t-shirts in the rain!
One of my friends found this to be a great idea and insisted on going. Another friend felt uninvited even though we were speaking in a sense that it was a given for her to come along too.. And another acquaintance invited himself, which was fine because I'm always open to meeting new people. The only problem was that he was constantly talking. He was a very smart person. He kept talking about how smart he was (in a modest way), and how good of a boyfriend he was, and other random stories. On a later portion of the day, the rest of us agreed to "eventually just phasing him out". No hard feelings to him or anything though.
We all went to Newpark Mall, but I found no luck in finding a sweatshirt.. Oh well, until next time! I've been wearing t-shirts in the rain!
Being Used?
Ever since college started, I've made this new friend in my English class. He's white, and fairly obese. He's the one who sucked me into playing Legend of the Five Rings, which I have to admit to being addicting and fun. A while back I drove him out to the card store up in Dublin (about half hour from Fremont), which is the only local card store with an abundance of L5R players. Ever since then, he's been calling me and asking me for rides to places. Apparently his bicycle broke so he has no reliable transportation besides bus. He lives about 5 minutes from school, but can come up to 10 minutes with traffic. It's in the opposite direction of my house too, so that makes for an even longer trip home. He asked for a ride home one time, which was okay. Another time he asked that I come pick him up from home and drive him to school when I was ALREADY at school. I found that to be a little ridiculous. Just the other day, he asked that I come pick him up from home again and take him to school, but I evaded it with a fabricated excuse. So instead he asked if I could take him to school the following day. His quick succession of request made it obvious that he's trying to find every opportunity he can get to mooch a free ride from a fellow "friend". I've been actually giving him a lot of excuses lately, and I can't go about doing that forever, so I agreed to picking his ass up the following morning.
What sucked was that he lives out in the ghetto parts of Hayward, so the traffic in the morning is terrible. The *coughmexicancough* drivers out there are ruthless! They'll cut in front of you at any given opportunity. I like to call the drive to school, a "war zone" because it always feels like I'm battling, or racing against traffic. I don't mean racing like a race track, but more like fighting for emptier lanes and squeezing through yellow lights when behind a slow-ass car. You have to constantly assess the traffic in order to determine which will turn out being faster in the long run. Just because a lane is emptier doesn't mean it's faster. You have to factor in big slow trucks and people who could potentially be turning into parking lots and whatnot. If you choose the wrong lane or fail to switch to a better lane in time, you could easily be trapped in a slow or frozen lane. As soon as I see 5+ cars pass me in the adjacent lane, I know I screwed up.
Anyways, I picked up my friend and we were driving to school, but then he said "Oh shoot! I forgot my english essay at home!" Since I'm in the same english class with him, I knew what he was talking about... Unfortunately I ended up having to turn around and drive his ass back to his house just to pick up his essay and then drive him to school. I ended up arriving to school half and hour later than usual having a last second speech to prepare and math test to study for.....
Now if this guy were a close friend, I'd be totally fine pick him up, but that fact that he's using me so much is becoming a problem. I mean look:
He's 23. That's 5 years he's been at a community college and is still looking to transfer out at some point.
He lives in the basement of a random mexican family's house because he couldn't afford rent at a real place. I think places like this can be found on craigslist.
He fails to arrive to school due to sleeping in. Worst excuse ever.
He skips classes!
He has missed more math classes than I can count. He doesn't even know if he's been dropped or not.
He forgets to write his english essays. He almost got dropped from english. If I didn't take him back home to get his essay, he might've really been dropped!
He skipped class hoping to play cards with me but I refused.
He's unemployed.
He unfortunately smells very bad and his hair always looks very oily. Even though I'm judging him so much, I think that hygiene is an absolute necessity in one's social life.
If he was a better influence as my senior in college, I would maybe look up to him more, but with that kind of background, it's obvious he's only using me. I'm too kind (yet judgmental on the inside). I really need to do something about this guy. I don't like to be used.
While working on cars with my dad today he said my grandpa's belief was that "friends are only friends if they can get something out of you". I'm still skeptical, but it seems plausible.
What sucked was that he lives out in the ghetto parts of Hayward, so the traffic in the morning is terrible. The *coughmexicancough* drivers out there are ruthless! They'll cut in front of you at any given opportunity. I like to call the drive to school, a "war zone" because it always feels like I'm battling, or racing against traffic. I don't mean racing like a race track, but more like fighting for emptier lanes and squeezing through yellow lights when behind a slow-ass car. You have to constantly assess the traffic in order to determine which will turn out being faster in the long run. Just because a lane is emptier doesn't mean it's faster. You have to factor in big slow trucks and people who could potentially be turning into parking lots and whatnot. If you choose the wrong lane or fail to switch to a better lane in time, you could easily be trapped in a slow or frozen lane. As soon as I see 5+ cars pass me in the adjacent lane, I know I screwed up.
Anyways, I picked up my friend and we were driving to school, but then he said "Oh shoot! I forgot my english essay at home!" Since I'm in the same english class with him, I knew what he was talking about... Unfortunately I ended up having to turn around and drive his ass back to his house just to pick up his essay and then drive him to school. I ended up arriving to school half and hour later than usual having a last second speech to prepare and math test to study for.....
Now if this guy were a close friend, I'd be totally fine pick him up, but that fact that he's using me so much is becoming a problem. I mean look:
He's 23. That's 5 years he's been at a community college and is still looking to transfer out at some point.
He lives in the basement of a random mexican family's house because he couldn't afford rent at a real place. I think places like this can be found on craigslist.
He fails to arrive to school due to sleeping in. Worst excuse ever.
He skips classes!
He has missed more math classes than I can count. He doesn't even know if he's been dropped or not.
He forgets to write his english essays. He almost got dropped from english. If I didn't take him back home to get his essay, he might've really been dropped!
He skipped class hoping to play cards with me but I refused.
He's unemployed.
He unfortunately smells very bad and his hair always looks very oily. Even though I'm judging him so much, I think that hygiene is an absolute necessity in one's social life.
If he was a better influence as my senior in college, I would maybe look up to him more, but with that kind of background, it's obvious he's only using me. I'm too kind (yet judgmental on the inside). I really need to do something about this guy. I don't like to be used.
While working on cars with my dad today he said my grandpa's belief was that "friends are only friends if they can get something out of you". I'm still skeptical, but it seems plausible.
Being a Full Time Student Finally Kicks In
It's been a while and I'm finally able to post something here. I try to update my blog every day or 2, but I've been really busy lately. Makes me finally realize how being a full time student is really considered being a full time student. I didn't think it was going to be that big of a deal because high school was 6 classes, 5 days a week. Right now as a full time student I'm taking 3 classes a day for 4 days a week. A fraction of what I took in high school! But the homework piles up very fast and so does the studying. In high school you have the entire year for the class, but at Chabot, they go by semester classes, so everything has to be done within 1 semester. Therefore twice as fast as high school. In english, aside from our giant semester research project, we're constantly writing essays, and I have a new speech in speech class every two weeks. We cover 3-4 sections of a chapter over the course of 2 days in math. I still have to admit that all of the classes I'm taking right now are extremely easy, but it only forewarns me of the much harder classes I will be taking in the future.
I've been hoping to get a part time job so I could support myself with food and gas without relying on my parents, but now I realize it's going to be a tough life if I do that. Both of my parents know that I have no money. Even my mom's coworker knows it. So they're always looking for opportunities where I could make some cash. And I have to say, I'm too grateful for what they're doing for me, but it's spoiling me. Speaking of spoiling, my mom still gives me a $20 bill for lunch money every week. I try not to rely on it, but it's a real life saver. My dad constantly receives jobs to fix other peoples' cars at home. It's an extra under the table job for him to do on his spare time at home. Ever since I stopped working, he's been working me pretty hard on helping him fix cars. Problem is, I know nothing about cars! I've learned a lot from him, but there hasn't been a single session we've went without him yelling at me for something. It's not that big of a deal though, I got used to it. He's not really actually mad at me, that's just how he is. Later on in the day he'll be back to normal. As long as I don't argue with him, our relationship remains the same. Even if the car jobs are tough, they pay fairly well. For an unemployed college student that is. I'm very grateful that my dad gives me most of the labor money from our jobs even though he does most of the work. Oftentimes I just slow him down, but he still insists that I help him. The money I make from him usually goes towards gas and toys/hobbies, while the money I get from elsewhere goes towards food. On top of all that, my mom's coworker pays me by the hour to help him input questions into a database, which I think I do pretty fast, so my pay isn't as high, but still helpful by all means. Swift work makes for a reliable "employee". For the past 2 weeks, the small jobs I've been getting mixed with my homework have really been conflicting. I'm actually surprised because I usually try not to let school and other obligations conflict, but for some reason it's a lot more apparent in college. I haven't really had much free time in the past few weeks.
I've been hoping to get a part time job so I could support myself with food and gas without relying on my parents, but now I realize it's going to be a tough life if I do that. Both of my parents know that I have no money. Even my mom's coworker knows it. So they're always looking for opportunities where I could make some cash. And I have to say, I'm too grateful for what they're doing for me, but it's spoiling me. Speaking of spoiling, my mom still gives me a $20 bill for lunch money every week. I try not to rely on it, but it's a real life saver. My dad constantly receives jobs to fix other peoples' cars at home. It's an extra under the table job for him to do on his spare time at home. Ever since I stopped working, he's been working me pretty hard on helping him fix cars. Problem is, I know nothing about cars! I've learned a lot from him, but there hasn't been a single session we've went without him yelling at me for something. It's not that big of a deal though, I got used to it. He's not really actually mad at me, that's just how he is. Later on in the day he'll be back to normal. As long as I don't argue with him, our relationship remains the same. Even if the car jobs are tough, they pay fairly well. For an unemployed college student that is. I'm very grateful that my dad gives me most of the labor money from our jobs even though he does most of the work. Oftentimes I just slow him down, but he still insists that I help him. The money I make from him usually goes towards gas and toys/hobbies, while the money I get from elsewhere goes towards food. On top of all that, my mom's coworker pays me by the hour to help him input questions into a database, which I think I do pretty fast, so my pay isn't as high, but still helpful by all means. Swift work makes for a reliable "employee". For the past 2 weeks, the small jobs I've been getting mixed with my homework have really been conflicting. I'm actually surprised because I usually try not to let school and other obligations conflict, but for some reason it's a lot more apparent in college. I haven't really had much free time in the past few weeks.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Moving here from tumblr
I wanted to find a place where I could put everything I wanted about myself so I thought about making a Tumblr, but I realized that my posts would go on my follower's dashboards and I didn't want to bother them so I decided to come here instead! I kind of want to copy paste all of my tumblr posts here, but that would look.. unorganized.. I think I'll start fresh here!
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