Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuesday Day Off (+Rant About Beggars)

Today I got absolutely nothing done. I've had a stomach ache all day, but I wanted to relax as much as possible. I spent just about the entire day listening to music and watching anime. Kinda brings me back to the days of freshman year in high school where all I did was watch anime. I actually got a bit of piano practice in today as well. My dad and I rode our motorcycles out to Mcdonalds for dinner which was a lot of fun. I haven't been on my motorcycle in months! Glad to be back on that thing. Problem is, it's been sitting in the garage for so long, it was having all sorts of problems. The battery ended up dying and I had to sit at Mcdonalds and wait for my dad to ride home and get the jumper box to jump-start my motorcycle.

While I was waiting at the Mac Shack, a fairly old woman approached me asking for a dime. She had a cell phone in her hand so she didn't look to be a hobo or anything, however I could be totally wrong. She waddled and occasionally limped as she walked, and had improper speech. Perhaps she was.. half retarded? I don't know. I started off by pulling pennies one at a time from my pocket. If I pulled all the coins in my pocket at once, she might ask for all of them. All the coins in my pocket turned out to be pennies aside from a lone quarter which I ended up giving to her. As soon as I handed her the quarter she asked me to buy her a burger at Mickey D's. Ridiculous! How are you going to beg someone for money, get some, then beg for more? Obviously she was milking me for all my worth, which was unacceptable. She didn't even offer a sob story to arouse my sympathy. I felt nothing for her and refused to purchase a burger for her. I truly dislike beggars for a clear reason. No matter how much sympathy one can fish out of you, you have to realize that, by them coming up to you and begging for money, means that they're spending time asking multiple people. Now if someone has time to spend a day begging for money, they could be spending that time looking for a job, or for a better solution. Survival of the fittest... You also have to remember that beggars had to have done something obviously really bad or stupid to be put in a situation like that. Going to a parking lot to beg for money is the last thing I would do, and if I ever came to that point, I would have to be half-dead. One time a felt somewhat okay giving up money was at a gas station. The guy said he was trapped and out of gas. But you honestly have to be an idiot to be driving a car with no gas and no money in your wallet and then run out of gas in the suburbs. I believe there are other solutions for people before you're put into the stage of begging in public. If you ever do get that far, obviously something went wrong. I guess if someone was genuinely screwed over, I would consider giving them money...

*They say 90% of hobos are mentally ill. Interesting.. Would you agree that as a society, we pretend that mental illness does not exist and speaking of it around those type of people is considered taboo?

Oh yeah. I absolutely hate beggars who get mad when they don't get what they want. Those kind of people are just.. low.. Seriously.. One time a kid was going door to door attempting to sell magazine subscriptions or something really useless to the average person. Obviously he wasn't getting any business because he was begging me. He gave me a really long sob story too about the money going towards his life and school and college and whatnot. At first I thought he was lying straight out of his teeth until he started begging me to just buy whatever it was he was selling, then he would pay my back. Because apparently he profits off making numerous sales. At that point I just... looked down upon him for going that low... If college money was the issue I should've told him what financial aid was. I'm beginning to think he was really shitting me. After I refused multiple times and told him to go ask someone else, he turned around and looked back at me with a glare and nodded his head in a "no" pattern as if I was a terrible person or something. If only I was a little older. Giving him proper advice rather than money would have been the right thing to do. It's always a matter of ethics.. That kid was just looking for answers in the wrong places.

Anyways, kung fu wasn't too bad tonight. It wasn't as tiring as most other nights and we did something a little boring, but it was okay. We still got to practice aerial twists, which is always fun. I wanted to get to most out of my class tonight, so I stayed after class and asked for help on my bo-staff form. I didn't go home as sweaty and excited as I usually do. Not as many endorphins tonight I suppose.

I was hoping I could get some Dj'ing in and possibly some more Bioshock in, but unfortunately I didn't. I ended up spending my short spare time watching a couple more episodes of Samurai Champloo. It's really refreshing to watch it for some reason. I find it very entertaining.

I wanted to do a little of homework today too, but I got lazy..

The thought of going back to school tomorrow saddens me. It's the same feeling I always get when I'm pulled back into reality. It sucks, but I strive for success, so I gotta hold my head high and continue to move forward.

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