Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lack of Sleep Leads to an Uneventful Sunday

Friday night I stayed up until 6:30 in the morning updating this blog. Then Saturday night, I went out to see Paranormal Activity 2 which meant for some horrible sleep. When I saw Paranormal Activity 1, I was sleeping in the living room trying my best to man out the night, but I couldn't deny the fact that I was terrified by the movie. I laid there for a long time trying to force myself asleep until I heard a sudden shuffle of papers on the dining room table behind me. My family tends to throw all the mail into a giant stack on the table. I couldn't think of any logical explanation why paper would be moving by itself in the middle of the night so instantly my blanket flew over me and I was scared shitless. I could feel waves of chills constantly flowing throughout my body from terror it was the most uncomfortable feeling, I was laying wide awake for the next half hour.

Anyways, last night after seeing PA2, I wanted to, by all means necessary, prevent myself from being terrified y everything in my house. In simpler terms, I was afraid of being afraid. So when I went to bed, I closed my door, closed my window, turned on my fan, and slept with my ipod in my ears the entire night. That way I wouldn't have to hear any random noises that would otherwise freak me out. But if there's a mistake I made, it was looking up things I found curious online. I was looking up the differences between demons and ghosts, and I was looking up youtube videos of  ouija boards some of which featured fake acts of people becoming possessed. I'm not going to lie, as fake as they are, it's still creepy. When I went to bed I was so afraid of becoming afraid, it was glued to my head. So I ended up having dreams of all those paranormal things that were on my mind. On top of the music constantly being in my ear, I kept awakening in between each dream. I never fell into a deep enough sleep where I was capable of utilizing most of my 5 senses which I'm kind of glad for because I wouldn't want to interact with a nightmare... For most of the night I kept waking up sweating, but I didn't want to leave my blanket. It gave me a sense of security for some reason. I think it's like that for a lot of people.

Getting 6 or 7 hours of horrible sleep, I woke up hoping I could go out to play some cards, but no one was at Hobbytown today unfortunately. So I just went home thinking of all the other things I could do. As I was typing on my computer I suddenly felt extremely tired and I just passed out on my couch right there sitting up straight. I spent the rest of my day sleeping on my couch. I did get a little cleaning done today, but otherwise I got nothing else done...

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