After the failure of last friday's FNM I wanted to come back again this week a little stronger. It all comes with experience. Unfortunately I still did terrible. Still walked away with 1 win though. Worth a tournament report? No. But am I going to anyways? Yeah..
Blue. My least favorite color in magic. Well actually I like it lot, it's a very powerful color, but why do I dislike it? Because I suck at playing it. Some people love control decks, and I don't know how many times I've lost to control decks, but for some reason I JUST can't play them. Knowing when to save mana for a counterspell or when to continue playing creatures is a tough choice for me. I don't know, I just never seem to do it right. But for some reason.. I always end up drafting blue. I don't.. know.. why... If there's something I have an eye for, it's creatures with flying. Those things have been my bestestbestest friends evers. I prefer red and white aggro, but as soon as I start picking up a bunch of blue fliers I think 'Damnit, now I have to pull out counterspells unless I manage to find a bunch of removal in some other color..' I'm just a terrible drafter.
Anyways, I ended up going blue red because of an early Galvanic Blast and Arc Trail I picked up in pack 2. Otherwise I spent the rest my first pack picking expensive blue creatures and fliers... Those damned fliers. I'll try to open my chinky eyes a little wider and check out the other kinds of creatures Magic has to offer next friday...
1 Argent Sphinx
1 Sky-Eel School
2 Vedalken Certarch
1 Lumengrid Drake
1 Darkslick Drake
1 Blade-Tribe Berserkers
1 Saberclaw Golem
1 Palladium Myr
1 Rust Tick
1 Silver Myr
2 Vulshock Replica
1 Neurok Replica
1 Snapsail Glider
1 Stoic Rebuttal
1 Turn Aside
2 Disperse
1 Arc Trail
1 Galvanic Blast
1 Bladed Pinions
1 Panic Spellbomb
10 Island
7 Mountain
Round 1:
My first opponent was a fairly chubby asian guy. He was a nice guy, running white blue control. Problem was, our games ended up running extremely long. The first game I beat him no problem. Once I get at least 2 fliers out and I'm swinging for 4 every turn, it's hard to keep up. Second game, he managed to get three of those 2drops out that gain first strike and lifelink when equipped. And then he had Accorder's Shield and Bladed Pinions moving around on them. He was able to beat me down to 7 life until I finally started stabilizing with all my creatures. Both of our boards were filled and we hit a standstill. Him at 30something life and me at 7. Eventually we both began to get careless and he drew enough cards to win to by swinging with his entire board. Unfortunately I could have sworn I heard time of the round be called way before then. Our second game should have been and draw and me walking away with a win, but oh well. We went into the 3rd game not realizing time was already up (although I was somewhat aware of it). I'm pretty sure my opponent just wanted to make sure he didn't lose. He was going as fast as he could on the 2nd game, while I wasn't particularly TRYING to stall, I was just questioning the time of the round... Anyways, I started the 3rd round very strong with an early Arc Trail wipe and my flying creatures coming out early, but then the judge came over and yelled at us for going WAAAAY over time. We ended in a draw even though I was about to win... 1-1
Round 2:
My next opponent was a friend I haven't seen in a while. Skinny and asian. He was playing red aggro I know that for sure, although I don't recall whether he was running a second color or not.. But even if he was, it didn't really matter. Most of his cards were red. He started the first game off super fast with a Memnite and then a bunch of small creatures shortly after. His early blitz successfully pulled me beneath 10 life, but by that time, I stabilized and he ran out of steam. My flying creatures just went to town from there. Round 2, he kept a 5 land hand with a Memnite in it. His mana flood didn't help at all. 2-0
Round 3:
Yet another asian friend of mine. Recently got a job at a hospital as a nurse. He was extremely buff. Said he has to work out for lifting patients and whatnot. His deck was black/white aggro with a little myr theme on the side. My deck worked the way it was supposed to on the first round. Getting those fliers out turns 3-5 is absolutely crucial, otherwise my deck never seemed to stand a chance. Game 2 and 3 he managed to pull out his Sunblast Angel and various other advantages against my deck. I didn't stand a chance. He ended up making it to the finals. 1-2
Round 4:
Another asian friend haha. His deck was either black/green or black/white with a splash of red for 2 Galvanic Blasts. I don't quite remember.. Anyways, like the rest of my rounds, my deck worked out in the first round the way it was supposed. Got those fliers out and pounded away. He put up a threat and said, "Hey, lets race!" but before he got a chance to attack, I used both of my disperses on his army. I won the first game with like.. 19 life I think. Maybe 17? Second game he manages to pull a mountain and both of his Galvanic Blasts in the first few turns, which laid waste to my creatures. Third game he just flat out beat me, I don't remember how. 1-2
Walked away with a worthless booster pack... Both people I lost to and the person I drew with made it to top 4. Oh well at least I did better this time around. I should have been 2-2 given more time (or LESS) in the first round. As hungry as we all were, me and 3 other guys decided to drive over to Newark to Venus Cafe. It was in the same parking lot as my old Taekwondo school where I used to work! It's weird too because I went there for like 5 years and never went to this Venus Cafe once! It was amazing! It was almost midnight and the place was PACKED. It was like the table we sat at the was last available table in there. At that time of night? And of all ages too! Usually at this time of night, any place with an abundance of asians is usually full of college students, but not this place. All of us were chinese so they discussed it with me. They said that it was a Hong Kong style restaurant/cafe which are (obviously) abundant in Hong Kong. According to one of them, he said that Chinese will often go out to places like those to eat breakfast because it's quick and cheap. I ended up getting a HUGE pot/plate/bowl thing FILLED with rice COVERED in porkchops onions and black bean sauce. I took a picture on my phone, but I didn't have a memory card in my phone at the time and I can't figure out how to transfer files from my phone's memory to the memory card. Oh well, the dinner was absolutely AMAZING and I could barely finish it. Two of the other guys I was with ordered something similar to mine and they could barely finish half of theirs. It was a LOT of food for only 7 bucks. Didn't take that long to come out either. Beats any american diner ANY DAY (EG: Denny's, Ihop, Applebees, etc).
It was a really fun night in total. One of the guys wanted to cube draft REALLY bad, but we didn't have time for it unfortunately. So instead him and one of the other guys played with their draft decks from FNM instead. So basically we had huge rice plates and Magic cards covering our entire table using Sweet & Low's as tokens hahahahaha.
"This is gonna be a sugary death! Like diabetes!"
One of the guys cracked a lot of silly jokes, though I seemed to be the only one cracking up besides himself...
Luckily for me, that same guy ended up paying for ALL of us. That was just too nice of him. One of the other guys tried paying for everyone, but he wouldn't let him. Instead we all agreed that he could pay for us next friday! I'm definitely going out drafting next friday for sure if it means free dinner. I love those guys. Fun times.
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