Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Free Time For Some Relaxing Days

Today was an easy day for me and tomorrow I have no school! All I had was music and math today which are both fairly easy classes. Especially music. Right now I have about 126% in that class. If I continue doing all of the extra credit in that class I can skip the final test and still pass the class with an A. I also miraculously have 101% in my math class which I find awfully hard to believe considering I'm the only one in the class with that grade. I'm still very proud of myself nonetheless.

I spent today doing pretty much nothing, so I finally got a chance to do some things I haven't done for literally months! I haven't been able to indulge myself into an anime for a long time so I decided to download (last night) Samurai Champloo so I could watch some today. I only got 4 episodes in, but it was entertaining. I didn't like it when I first saw it as a child on cartoon network, but now that I know it's an anime that combines elements of hiphop with traditional japanese samurais from the Edo period, I find that absolutely fascinating. Especially since one of their albums was produced by Nujabes. That just makes it 100x better.

My mom took me out for pho (upon my request) when she got home from work. I haven't had pho in daaaays. Loved it.

I also wasted a lot of time watching fail videos on youtube...

But that's because I was waiting for my PS3 to finish installing its update. That's right, I finally picked up my console controller after so many months. I've been having this little crave in the back of my head dying to play some Bioshock for the longest time. Being the pussy I am, I always feel intimidated when I think about playing it, but I always have a blast when I actually get around to playing it. I personally think the game is REALLY scary, and I love it! Got a nice 3 hours or so until I started feeling tired. It's amazing how terrible I am at fps games. I died more times than I could count.

Last night I also started playing Chrono Trigger (remake) on the Nintendo DS for the first time last night. It's supposedly one of the greatest rpg games ever created. I tend to buy a lot of (must-have) games on a whim, but I never get around to playing them for more than 20 minutes before never touching them again. I have to say, I'm enjoying this game a lot so far. I'm actually about to go play a little bit right now before I go to sleep.

And tomorrow I have no school, so unless people want to hang out with me, I'm probably going to spend my entire day lounging around the house having myself a relaxing day! I have barely any homework too. I love times like these in the middle of the school year. I try to make the most of them.

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