Probably a boring blog post, but hey, I still want to get all my drafts on blogs and I can at least talk about my day. I was awakened by my dad this morning to help him fix cars, so I didn't get 8 hours of sleep, but it's okay. Today was a great casual day overall. It was neither boring nor exciting. Well actually, it had its moments. I spent the first third of my day helping my dad out, which wasn't that bad at all. No tedious jobs today, and I just made this month's gas money. We went out to Eric's Deli Cafe for lunch to get some sandwiches and they were delicious! It was expensive, but its nice to sit down at a Deli for a sandwich every once in a while. Second third of my day, I spent at my friends house playing around with her ukulele. Its a fun, affordable instrument that one could easily fool around with. A lot of chord progressions for many songs can be found all over the internet. I'm no singer, but I still find it something fun to play around with. On a random side note, for the same price or maybe a little less, I could get a melodica. I think I would have a ton of fun fooling around with one of those!! But yeah, anyways, once the sun went down, I went on down to the card store.
In my first pack, it was a choice between Grasp of Darkness, Turn to Slag, and Dispense Justice. Turn to Slag is a sorcery, and Dispense Justice is rather conditional, but both are in my favorite colors. Grasp of Darkness is more flexible and is capable of killing a lot of creatures including ones with regeneration and that are indestructible. Unfortunately it costs double black which makes it less splashable and I don't have any experience in black to be honest. I picked it anyways since it clearly seemed to be the best pick in the pack. Pick 2 of pack 1 I saw a bunch of mediocre cards and a Plague Stinger. I thought, "Hey, I have a Grasp of Darkness and I see a Plague Stinger potentially being the best card in the pack, maybe I could go infect for the first time!" So I grabbed the Plague Stinger, ready to push my way to infect. If the guy next to me passed a Plague Stinger, then I figured he's probably not thinking about drafting infect, especially after passing that. I guess I was cheating, but on the third pack, I saw at the corner of my eye the person next to me pick a Corpse Cur. I didn't understand why he did that. In fact it really screwed things up. He ended up drafting 3 Corpse Curs and everything else non-infect... He saw them as an infinite loop of blockers... But yeah.. anyways, I didn't see many infect cards anyways, so I avoided all signs of infect cards. I ended up staying in black though. All of pack 1 and half of pack 2 (just like last week), I spent drafting removal. Which is great, but then halfway through pack 2, I looked at my pool and realized that I had 6 artifacts, 2 Smiths, and no bombs or good beater creatures. End of pack 2 was too late for anything worthwhile, so pack 3 became a desperate pack looking for creatures and artifacts. End of pack 2 and all throughout pack 3 I started seeing a lot of white cards I wanted REALLY bad, but I didn't want to switch at the last second. It just wasn't worth it. I didn't have the proper artifacts for Auriok Sunchaser and I literally had zero equipment for Sunspear Shikari, so I just ignored all the white cards. Well actually, I grabbed a Glint Hawk Idol in one pack because the rest of the cards were crap. I didn't mind splashing for it because I had a Horizon Spellbomb and Gold Myr. My deck this time turned out being similar to last week's deck. Plenty of removal with mediocre creatures to get through.. I feel bad for drafting Mindslaver and Prototype Portal.. Obviously a terrible combo... Should've just grabbed something I needed instead.. Those ended up being the only rares I got my hands on throughout the entire draft too. My deck had no bombs in it!
Lands 16:
1 Plains
7 Mountain
8 Swamp
Creatures 14:
1 Oxidda Scrapmelter
1 Embersmith
1 Ogre Geargrabber
1 Flameborn Hellion
1 Leaden Myr
1 Gold Myr
1 Golem Artisan
1 Rust Tick
1 Vulshock Replica
1 Blistergrub
1 Painsmith
1 Necrogen Scudder
1 Fume Spitter
1 Skinrender
Other spells 10:
1 Instill infection
1 Grasp of Darkness
1 Exsanguinate
1 Glint Hawk Idol
1 Trigon of Rage
1 Panic Spellbomb
1 Horizon Spellbomb
1 Trigon of Corruption
2 Shatter
Round 1:
My first opponent was a skinny white man with glasses. He was wearing one of those jackets that say Geek Squad on them. I've seen trucks like those around Walmart before, but I'm not entirely sure what it is. He was playing green/white myrs. I our first game, I misplayed by playing Flameborn Helion and swinging into his Darksteel Juggernaut thinking it wasn't indestructible....... It was a close game, but he got it. Game 2 I don't rememeber, but I won. Game 3, I got mana screwed and stuck on two lands for the LONGEST FRICKEN TIME. I was begging for mana so bad. I only got like 1 damage to him throughout the entire game. He was never able to kill me though. My removal and small creatures held off until I drew my fourth land and was able to play Skinrender, Oxidda Scrapmelter, and Trigon of Corruption. Once I started pulling those babies out, I was slowly starting to stabilize until he pulled out his Darksteel Juggernaut.. It pulled me down to like 6 life. On supposedly the last turn, instead of drawing a card I placed my top card on the table in front of me. I asked him if I could make the Juggernaut's toughness zero, if it would die or not. He said yes, so I slowly peaked at my next draw. Grasp of Darkness. The topdeck of faith! -4/-4 to the 4/4 indestructible creature hehehehehe. After that our boards were wiped. He was poking at me with a Necropede and a Myr. Luckily for me the judge called time of the round and he couldn't kill me in time. I had like 2 life and 4 poision counters.. Whew! To be honest, it felt like my deck was fully capable of handling his, but I was having strange land problems for some reason. 0-0-1
Round 2:
My next opponent was a young white boy who was fairly chubby and wore glasses. He had a monotone and dull voice, so it sounded the same whenever he would express anger, sadness, or sarcasm. Mostly angry sarcasm... He kept complaining about how much his deck sucked, and sucked it did. He was running blue/green infect/proliferate. I got temporarily mana screwed in one of the games, but he literally didn't play anything for the first 4 or 5 turns so I was able to catch back up. Infect decks are supposed to win extremely fast. I 2-0ed him pretty quickly, although I did make one huge mistake in the second game. He swung with Tangler Angler with Bladed Pinions equipped to it and then used Twisted Image on it. It was really easy to tell he got excited because it was a combo that green/blue infect decks love and he literally threw the instant on the table and raised his voice tenfold. The 5 poison counters weren't that big of a deal considering I was at zero counters, and I could already smell victory around the corner. The mistake was that I had Fume Spitter on the field.. Had I realized it, that combo would've been toast.. 1-0-1
Round 3:
This opponent was a fairly large islander looking guy with spiked hair. He had droopy eyes and a very sarcastic personality. He was running blue/red aggro with practically NO artifacts. Just bombs.. Both games went extremely fast. My two Shatters and Scrapmelter were completely useless. Game one I started off pretty strong, but he beat on me with a Kuldotha Phoenix to a fairly low life, then played Hoard Smelter Dragon.. Game two I kept a hand with 5 lands, Shatter, and Oxidda Scrapmelter. I saw zero artifacts come out, and once his Hoard Smelter Dragon hit the board I ended up Scrapmelting my own Trigon of Rage just so he couldn't pump... It was pointless anyways, he swept me to the ground. For some reason this guy's deck always counters mine. Last time I played him he had that Asceticism (see FNM4)... 1-1-1
Round 4:
I ended up playing against my friend who was 1-2 in this round. He was running blue white fliers which looked pretty scary, but for some reason his deck just didn't work out for him. I thought it was really good though! He had 2 Arrests, 2 Sky-Eel Schools, 2 Glint Hawks, 3 Kemba's Skyguards, Steel Hellkite, I think 2 Razor Hypogriffs, etc etc. It looked scary when I saw him building the deck but he seemed to be in a pretty bad mood. The deck just wasn't working out for him for some reason. I 2-0ed him extremely fast, I don't even remember how it worked out. 2-1-1
Since I was 2-1-1 and so was the other guy who I drew with, we both made it to top 4! In excitement we cheered and gave a loud high five in celebration.
Top 4 Round 1:
It was me against the guy who was 4-0 and on the other side was the guy I drew with and the guy that drafted 3 Corpse Curs for infinite blockage... Why couldn't I play against one of them?! Anyways, my opponent was a filipino guy running the same colors as me, but better. He had two Arc Trails, two Turn to Slags, 3 Bleak Coven Vampires, Precursor Golem, Rusted Relic, two Chrome Steeds, Skinrender, and a bunch of other stuff to help out his deck. It was too aggressive for me to handle. I managed to get a pretty fast hand in game 2, but the other two games were absolutely futile.
After the draft, my friend and I decided sat around trying to decide whether we wanted to go out to dinner or not. Because we plan on meeting up with a bunch of friends tomorrow to do a draft for fun, so he didn't want me to spend too much money since we're planning on going to Madfish for dinner tomorrow after we draft. We were both hungry, and I just helped my dad fix a car today so money wasn't too big of a deal to me. At about 11:30pm we finally decided to head out to Venus Cafe to get some amazingly delicious Hong Kong style dinner. Overall it was a pretty normal day for me. Nothing went bad at all, and I feel quite satisfied, so I think it's safe to say I had a really great day today.
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