Saturday, December 11, 2010

(FNM7) First Time Going Infect

So tonight I was actually debating whether I should actually go out and draft or not, but I decided to anyways. I started off the draft with a Steel Hellkite which was awesome. My second pick was a Snapsail Glider because nothing else in the pack was good. After that I was passed a Grasp of Darkness. Since I was in black at that point I proceeded to grab an Exsanguinate and Bleak Coven Vampires. After that, I was faced with a really shitty pack so I just grabbed a Vedalken Certarch fearing that I might have to go blue. But then, pretty late in the pack, I saw a Plague Stinger. I was already passing some mediocre infect cards so I thought, hey maybe I can go infect for the first time! The idea came pretty late, so I was struggling for creatures, but it worked out pretty well in the end. Luckily, I pulled a Hand of Praetors, pack 3!

Lands 17:
9 Swamp
8 Forest

Creatures 15:
1 Hand of Praetors
3 Plague Stinger
1 Tangle Angler
1 Necropede
2 Blight Mamba
1 Ichor Rats
1 Fume Spitter
1 Ichorclaw Myr
2 Contagious Nym
1 Steel Hellkite
1 Corpse Cur

Other Spells 8:
2 Trigon of Corruption
1 Throne of Geth
1 Grasp of Darkness
1 Livewire Lash
1 Slice in Twain
1 Untamed Might
1 Darksteel Axe

Round 1:
My first opponent looked to be a fairly new player. He was playing blue green... something... All I saw was Wall of Tanglecord. I guess infect was too fast for him. 1-0

Round 2:
My second opponent was the guy sitting next to me. He was asian and appeared to be an adult, but I was unsure of his age. He was definitely a player I've never seen before though. Apparently every one of us surrounding him was going in different colors, so he got all the white. He ended up with 2 Arc Trails, 5 Arrests, Galvanic Blast, and Dispense Justice. Wait. FIVE ARRESTS??? We had the police up in there! Game 1 I was on the draw with a 1 land hand and five 2-drops. That meant I had 2 turns to draw a second land. Seems okay, right? Not. Didn't draw a land for more turns than I could count in kindergarten. Game two the same exact thing happened to him. Game three I faced  another 1 land hand and a few 2-drops. I decided to give it another shot. Unfortunately I faced the same problem. I couldn't catch up. The guy ended up going 5-1.

Round 3:
This guy was also asian and I once again have never seen him before. I guess it's normal to expect to see new players every now and then. Apparently, this guy won the draft! He was mono white, I believe. Game one I started off by stabilizing with infect creatures, until he played Strata Scythe. Since he was mono white, whatever he equipped became super big. Luckily for me, I managed to pull off Steel Hellkite which proceeded to wipe his entire board. I ended up winning with damage.. Game two he pulled off his Strata Scythe again and I was struggling with it until he played his Indomitable Archangel.. Then he just.. won.. Game three, my opening hand had Grasp of Darkness and Slice in Twain. He went turn 3 Strata Scythe, turn 4 Archangel, which I killed both instantly. Since both of his bombs were gone, I was able to pull off a victory. 2-1

Round 4:
The same guy that went red and black last week was red and black again this week. Did he force it? His deck was pretty fast though. Game one my creatures get too overwhelming for him, game 2, I fail to keep up, then game 3 I see a 1 land hand again.. Except this time I mulliganed! Into another 1 land hand... On the play.. Worth going to 5? I dunno... Everyone else said so.. I ended up losing.. 2-2

Since my first loss was 4-0 and my second loss was 3-1, I luckily made it into top 4 again! I just realized that I've been getting into top 4 more often lately. I'm glad because it shows improvement!

Top 4 Round 1:
The popo guy again. Mr. 5 Arrests. Game 1 I start off with 3 swamps, Plague Stinger, Contagious Nim and Ichor Rats. They were easily stopped by an Arc Trail and an Arrest, and then every card I drew after that was green. I lost the turn after I finally drew a Forest.. Game 2 I played with about 4 or 5 cards total. Why? Because I was mana flooded... Mana screw, then flood? This had to be the unluckiest day ever. I was mana screwed SO many times tonight. And the top 4 was the only round I actually won a die roll out of the 5 rounds I played.. Unlucky night I guess..

I still had a lot of fun nonetheless. It was my first time drafting infect and I really enjoyed it.

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