Yet another friday night draft. There was 11 people and unfortunately I ended up in the five-man pod. I was afraid it was going to suck, but luckily for me I was placed in one of the luckiest pods I'll ever be in! I don't want to sound like a jerk, but the two guys sitting next to me weren't very good. The guy to my left was alright, but the I knew the guy to my left wasn't very good. He was forcing his colors.. But then the two guys sitting across from me were forcing infect... but they were right next to each other... Fighting over the infect cards, cutting eachother off............. Ahem.. Anyways. The guy to my right was forcing blue for some odd reason. I'm not a cheater, but peripheral vision is inevitable. He was occasionally taking white cards but he passed me 3 Arrests. Had me wondering what he was taking over it... He definitely didn't want to go red when he passed me Oxidda Scrapmelter pack 1, Hoard Smelter Dragon and Shatter in pack 2, and a pack with Arc Trail and Galvanic Blast in Pack 3, as well as Cerebral Eruption. My P1P1 was Tempered Steel, so I tried my best to focus on artifact creatures. On pack 3 I took the Arc Trail first, but then the Galvanic Blast tabled. WHAT?! What was everyone else taking?! At that point I had like 8 or 9 removal spells in my pool, so I felt like taking a second Myr Galvanizer was more important for my deck than the Blast which is what I did, but I kind of regret it now. The guy to my left ended up taking the Blast.
Lands 16:
8 Mountain
8 Plains
Creatures 13:
1 Gold Myr
1 Silver Myr
1 Hoard-Smelter Dragon
1 Oxidda Scrapmelter
1 Golem Artisan
1 Palladium Myr
2 Myr Galvanizer
1 Myrsmith
1 Chrome Steed
2 Snapsail Glider (actually had 3 of these)
1 Vulshok Replica
Other Spells 11:
1 Tempered Steel
1 Arc Trail
1 Turn to Slag
1 Shatter
1 Cerebral Eruption
3 Arrest
1 Dispence Justice
1 Glint Hawk Idol
1 Origin Spellbomb
I actually had a True Conviction which I REALLY wanted to play REALLY badly, but my deck just didn't need it..
Round 1:
BYE. *Sad face* 1-0
Round 2:
This guy had a blue deck, but I don't remember if he had a second color or not. He definitely had a good deck because of his bombs, but my removal was too much. Game 1 He pulled off Platinum Emperion, but Oxidda Scrapmelter got in there. He also got his Steel-Hellkite out, but Shatter just happened to be chillin in my hand. Game 2, I started off strong, but he Voilition Reined my Hoard Smelter which I had to Arrest.. He then stablized with Platinum Emperion which he brought back with Salvage Scout after I Shattered it. He then proceeded to mass up Myr Propagators and swing for a LOT. He also had that blue guy that gives +1/+1 to blue creatures and has the ability to turn creatures blue. Unfortunately for me, Oxidda Scrapmelter was like.. 4th to last in my deck. I don't remember how game 3 went, but my removal got in there for the win. 2-0
Round 3:
The guy sitting to my left who took the Galvanic Blast. I think he was green and red. I don't remember how it played out, but I remember one of the rounds I got turn 2 Myr Smith, turn 3 Gold Myr, turn 4 Myr Galvanizer, turn 5 Tempered Steel. OUCH. 3-0
Round 4:
One of the guys fighting for infect at my table. He had a strong deck, but it was flimsy. Had he not picked up infect creatures, he would've had a much better deck. I saw Plague Stinger and Cyst Bearer along with some other infect stuff, but the rest of his deck was geared for normal damage.. Game 1 he pulled off Mimic Vat and was pummeling me with it while controlling the board with Trigon of Corruption. On the final stretch I managed to pull off Hoard Smelter Dragon with 8 mana on-board. I would've been able to kill both his Trigon AND the Mimic Vat, but dumb of me to block his attacking weenies followed up with Skin Render. Misplay lost me the game. Game 2 I avoided misplays and took the win (forgot how though). Game 3 I managed to barely win somehow. Can't.. Remember.. 4-0
WOAH 4-0? Second time I've ever gone 4-0 in my life! I was excited at the thought of actually winning the draft.
Top 4 Round 1:
The guy who had 5 Arrests last week. This week he drafted a similar deck. Red and White is really strong in Scars. Unfortunately for me he had answers to my bombs. His deck was filled with fliers and removal. In BOTH the games we played he Arrested my Hoard-Smelter Dragon and Revoke Existance'ed my Tempered Steel. I couldn't keep up in both games, and his score was 2-2! I was really mad at myself, but there's not much to say. Two similar decks and he had answers to mine. Unfortunately I never drew Arc Trail or Cerebral Eruption in either game. Those would've helped..
During the match my friend was like "How do you lose with that deck?!" *turns and calls for the store owner, then points at me* "Judge! He sucks!" hahahah
Overall it was a fun night, I was still proud of myself. Afterwards I went out to Venus Cafe with my friend and got Salmon & Seafood over Baked Rice. SO GOOOOD.
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