Tuesday, December 28, 2010

(FNM9) Thursday Night Magic at Superstars

Technically this isn't FNM, but it's my substitute for it.

This is kind of a late blog, but I've been busy and haven't had a chance to blog. Since friday was christmas eve, I knew I wasn't going to be able to draft. Two weeks ago my friend told me that there was going to be a $10 draft at Superstars in San Jose and invited me to join him mentioning that we could carpool. Seemed like a good idea so I agreed to go. Come thursday, we all (my friend and I and four of his other friends) decided to meet up around 2:00pm to cube draft before we headed out to San Jose. When we finished cube drafting, one of the guys had to go home and the other three said they were just going to play test their extended decks. Since I was the only one drafting, my friend decided to bail out on us and wanted to go hang out with his "other friends".
"What other friends?!" I asked. I was actually asking it in a literal sense, but everyone thought I was teasing him implying that he had no friends and they chuckled. Everyone else was really disappointed and they tried to convince him to still go with us to San Jose. Before my friend actually left, he gave me some free cards I needed for my deck and everyone else went outside except for the guy who needed a ride home (from my friend). My cellphone rang, and it was one of the guys, "Hey Tim! Tell (the guy who needed a ride home) that you're gonna show him something REALLY COOL. But in order for him to see it you both have to go outside the house. But DON'T tell (my friend)!" 
"Don't tell (my friend)???" I asked. I didn't know I was supposed to be playing along...
"NOO YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO SAY THAT OUT LOUD NOW HE KNOWS." My friend sitting across the table from me started laughing. All three of us went outside to see everyone in my friends car. They were stealing his car! Haha, they were going to try to use his car to get him to join us at San Jose, but it didn't work. It was funny seeing the guys mess around with each other, but my friend ended up leaving anyways. So then we were all like, "Now what...?" After like ten minutes of thinking we decided to still go to Superstars anyways. I was okay with it, but I wasn't so ecstatic about drafting alone out there. Oh well.
On our way there, we stopped by at Wendy's and bought a TON of burgers. I didn't want to spend too much money, but I ended up pitching in $8 for the food and for gas money.. Oh well, the food was quite filling. 
When we got there, the other guys went and did there own business as I got in line to sign up for the draft. Surprisingly enough, I saw my OTHER friend standing in line as well. The one I always go to Madfish with after friday night drafts. It was quite the coincidence because neither of us have gone to Superstars for months. He was there to play Legacy. After I signed up for the draft he offered to give me a ride home. Being acquainted with the guys who drove me there, he told them they could leave early and that he would give me a ride home instead. Pretty nice of him, eh? Anyways on with the draft.

Most of the people there were white. Just something I happened to notice.. I'd say about half of the people there were new players as well. Or just inexperienced (like me). From what I heard though, the drafters at Superstars are better than at C&J's (where I normally draft). 
I first picked a Chimeric Mass questioning its power. Didn't seem like it would do me much, but I figured I would give it a shot. My second pick was an Arrest so I was hoping to lean towards white. Sometime during the draft I was passed yet another Chimeric Mass, which was pretty cool. Infect cards were floating around like crazy. Literally no one went infect. It was quite a shame. Had I forced it, I might've ended up with a decent deck. Pick's 12 13 and 14 of pack one I got Lumengrid Drake, Sky-Eeel School, and some other blue card. They're not super amazing or anything, but at that point I was thinking "Woah, blue is WIDE open."  In packs 2 and 3, I proceeded to draft white and artifacts occasionally grabbing a blue card. I also greedily took two Shatters which are very splashable. I think I pass like two or three Turn to Slags. I kind of regret it, but I didn't have the mana to support the double red so it wasn't worth taking. My deck ended up like this:

Lands (16):
8 Plains
5 Island (Should've been 6.. I think my deck got a little messed up here because I dropped it in my room..)
3 Mountain

Creatures (11):
2 Auriok Sunchaser
2 Kemba's Skyguard
1 Silver Myr
1 Trinket Mage
1 Lumengrid Drake
1 Sky-Eel School
1 Palladium Myr
1 Neurok Replica
1 Snapsail Glider

Other Spells (13):
2 Chimeric Mass
2 Glint Hawk Idol
2 Origin Spellbomb
1 Arrest
1 Tumble Magnet
1 Bonds of Quicksilver
1 Strider Harness
1 Turn Aside
2 Shatter

The Chimeric Masses, Glint Hawk Idols, and Origin Spellbomb pretty much count as creatures too.

Round 1: 
My first opponent was a young white man who seemed to be happy about life. He kept going off about how good the draft was. He managed to pull out a Wurmcoil Engine and Koth the Hammer, so he pretty much got the two best booster packs from the box. Unfortunately, such amazing cards were placed in the wrong hands. His deck was a wreck. A new player I presume because his strategies were equivalent to that of a casual player. He put in cards that he thought were pretty "sweet" only in specific situations. He had two Goblin Gavaleers and two Echo Circlets, but never used them together. He never attacked with the Golbins either. He had almost zero removal and Turn to Slag in his sideboard. He had an Ichorclaw Myr, but that was his only infect card. He also had Grafted Exoskeleton in his deck based off the fact that it can win games alone. It didn't help him at all. He didn't know how to properly use Koth, and merely used his first ability to untap a mountain every turn before I killed him with my fliers. He had three Clone Shells, but all they did was play mind games. He also had a Bloodshot trainee with NO ways to pump him. I don't understand.. He almost won game 1 with Wurmcoil Engine alone, but I had so many fliers that I was able to outdo the lifelink, and I had enough chumps as well as Neurok Replica to stall until I killed him. He even equipped the Grafted Exoskeleton to the Wurmcoil hoping to get 8 poison counters on me, but it didn't work. 1-0

Round 2: 
Yet another white man, except this guy sounded like a cowboy! His deck was black with white and blue I think. Game one I started off with a two land hand of the wrong colors. I never drew another land.. Game two, I had plenty of mana, but then it quickly became too much. Slight mana flood gave me a hard time keeping up with his decent amount of removal. It's a shame when one loses to bad luck.. 1-1

Round 3:
My final opponent was a white lady who was acquainted with the guy I played in round two. She also had a sort of happy aura to her. Just by the way she played one could kind of tell she was somewhat new to the game, although it sounded like she knew what she was talking about at times. She was playing Red White and a splash of something else I think.. Mostly redwhite though. Game 1 I started off with a fairly weak hand so I Chimeric Massed for 3. She was surprised at the low number, but it got its beat on until we traded. Then I played a second one for 6. Luckily for me I had more fliers than her, so I outraced her. Game two she got Glint Hawk with Sylvok Lifestaff and beat me pretty hard with it. Game three, I three for one'd her when she tried swinging with Auriok Sunchaser (with Metalcraft) and a Myr with Sylvok Lifestaff. I had one mountain open. Palladium Myr and Lumengrid Drake Untapped. I blocked the Sunchaser with the Drake and the Myr with the Palladium Myr. I then tapped it for mana and Shattered the Lifestaff making both the myr and the Sunchaser 1/1's causing them to die. She was completely baffled at the idea of tapping a creature after declaring it as a blocker. She thought it wasn't allowed and called for a judge. When she refused to accept it even though everyone surrounding her said it was allowed, I couldn't help but think that she HAD to be a new player. She had a pretty solid board, but nothing to block my fliers. 2-1

I walked away with two booster packs. Not too bad I guess. 10 dollar draft, 3 rounds, no top 4 and a lot of gas. Not completely worth it, but still fun nonetheless. I think what my deck really needed was more removal. Afterwards, my friend and I decided to eat at Venus Cafe on our way home. I was a little concerned about spending another 8 dollars for food, but I brushed it off and sucked it up. All in all it was a fun night and a fine substitute for FNM.

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