Thursday, November 18, 2010

Crazy Hard Kung Fu

My main teacher apparently has a hole in his stomach. According to my mom that's called an ulcer. So he had to go out to Seattle to get it all fixed up and won't be back for about a week. Since he's gone, our master brought over a replacement, Sifu Chen. Or at least I think that was his name. He looked to be in his late 20's, early 30's, but I could be totally wrong, and I apologize if am.. He couldn't really speak any english at all, so my two other classmates tonight had to translate for me. It wasn't that bad though.

At the beginning of class, Master told him something in chinese, and my classmates were like, "UUUUGGGHHHH" and i was like, "Huh? WHAt? What's goin on???" Apparently our master told Sifu Chen to work us really really hard. We spent the entire class doing basics I think, but they were the HARDEST basics of my life. He worked us to the bone. It was pretty legit. It actually took more than half of the class period for everyone to find out I'm still new to kung fu. The teacher was telling me to do stuff and I had no idea what I was doing. He kept giving me faces as if I were half retarded or something until was he finally like, "OOhhhhhh". After that he walked me through everything and made sure I learned my basics properly. By the end of class I was shaking in like every muscle in my body, and was practically panting on the drive home. It was a rough workout, but I really like hard workouts. They release endorphins and make me feel really good about myself. Hard workouts leave a very satisfying feeling, I love it.

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