Sunday, November 7, 2010

(FNM3) Your Deck is Gerbige! (+ Fun Night Cube Drafting at Denny's)

Ok so this time around I wanted to try not force myself to draft blue. I wanted to open myself to more colors. This time around I went for red aggro with a bit of green.

Lands (17):
11 Mountain (Gebirge)
6 Forest (Wald)

Creatures (13):
1 Embersmith
2 Oxidda Daredevil (sac engine for Furnace Celebration)
1 Hoard-Smelter Dragon (bomb)
1 Ferrovore (sac engine for Furnace Celebration)
1 Molder Beast (Good synergy with Furnace Celebration combo)
1 Snapsail Glider
1 Sylvok Replica (artifact removal)
3 Saberclaw Golem (because everything else in my pool sucked)
1 Perilous Myr
1 Copper Myr

Spells (10):
1 Furnace Celebration (Never drew this SoB)
1 Shatter (artifact removal)
1 Slice in Twain (artifact removal)
1 Galvanic Blast (removal)
1 Untamed Might
1 Strider Harness
1 Trigon of Rage
1 Heavy Arbalest (sucked, but left it in because I needed artifacts)
1 Panic Spellbomb
1 Nim Deathmantle (Good synergy with Furnace Celebration combo)

Ok first off, I was running a couple Assault Strobes and something else, but someone told me they were bad and looked at my pool. My pool sucked too, so he told me to put in the Furnace Celebration along with the two Oxidda Daredevils. It was worth a shot, but unfortunately it never worked out.
I also happened to find German lands. So the mountains were called Gebirge and the forests were called Wald. A funny friend of mine took a look at my deck and glanced at the mountain thinking it said "garbage", so he was like, "YOUR DECK IS GARBAGE!" We were all laughing about it and then he said, "No wait.. it's g-gerbige.. YOUR DECK IS GERBIGE.... geebeerrrge" Silly guy.

Round 1: 1-0
My first opponent was a very obese guy who forced infect because his first pick was a Putrefax. Unfortunately he wasn't passed good enough cards for it, and he ended up passing all the good cards to the guy next to him because of it. It was green and black, but just not good enough.. He also made a lot of misplays.
*He passed cards like Shatter, Galvanic Blast, and Arc Trail to the guy who first picked a Koth the Hammer and Spikeshot Elder (second pack).............

Round 2: 1-1
I almost got dropped because I was 15 minutes late to the round because I didn't know it had already started. I was too busy discussing to my friend about adding the Furnace Celebration. The guy I played against was a really quiet and chilled out guy, so he was cool with it. I don't even remember what kind of deck he was playing, he won so fast. I got my ass handed to me. All I remember was having all of my sacrificing engines out and things to sacrifice, but no Furnace Celebration. EVER.

Round 3: 1-2
I was playing against my friend who was playing Myrs. His first pack pick was a choice between a foil Myr Battlesphere or Nim Deathmantle. He picked the Battlesphere which won him all of his games, and I picked his Nim Deathmantle which won me no games.. In the first game he played his Battlesphere then Glint Hawk'ed it. Next turn he played it again along with another myr. At the end of my turn he used that blue metalcraft tapper and a Tumble Magnet to tap my entire army and at the beginning of his turn as well. Next, he swung with a 12/7 Myr Battlesphere forcing me to lose 8 life from 8 tapped Myrs. You know what that means? 20 damage in one swing. Second game, I Slice in Twain his Battlesphere, but then lose to his 2 Glint Hawks, Lumengrid Drake and Sky-Eel School. I finally got my Furnace Celebration out on turn 3during that game, but never drew any sacrificing engines. UGH.


Seems like a lot of the guys are starting to open up to me now. Its always fun to make friends. After the draft was over, six of us decided to meet up at Denny's for dinner and cube draft. Cube Drafting is when someone takes nothing but good cards (mostly rares) from ALL the sets of magic and puts them into a box. That's called the cube I guess. And then you shuffle all the cards and give each person a "pack" of cards and then draft as if it were a normal draft. But instead of drafting one set, you're drafting the best cards from every set. So when you look into your pack, pretty much everything is a pack1pick1 bomb of some sort. At first we wanted to meet up at Devry, but we were al hungry so we were going to meet up at In n' Out, but they were going to close soon, so that's why we ended up at Denny's.

I was actually very surprised to see how packed Denny's was after midnight. Most of the restaurant's seats were filled. Halfway through our draft all of our food arrived so we decided to take a quick break to eat our food. I didn't want to spend too much money because Denny's is expensive and it wouldn't be worth it. So I ordered a six dollar Ultimate Skillet which had like potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, bell peppers, some sort of meat, a bunch of random stuff, and 2 eggs on top. Might not sound like much, but all of that mixed together, sizzling on a skillet was absolutely delicious. It didn't make me full, but it was enough to satisfy me. After tip, I ended up paying about eight bucks. Worth it? Not really, but it's fun to eat out with friends, so I guess it was.

Since there was six of us, we decided to make two teams of three and play Round Robin, and tally up the wins and whichever team received the most total wins, won. Once again I ended up drafting red and green aggro, but I had drafted so much red, my team mate suggested that I just go mono red. I had a lot of creatures with haste so my goal was to win as fast as possible. One of my team mates disliked the deck because he felt red was weak in this particular cube, but my other team mate loved it claiming that it was one of the few types of decks he was afraid of playing against.

Round 1 I swept 2-0 super fast. Round 2 I lost to making a lot of misplays. He agreed that I should have won every single game we played. Round 3 I lost to making a few misplays, but 1 misplay is more than enough. They claimed that I should have won all three of my games, but obviously I'm a terrible magic player. I think cube drafting is a lot more skill intensive since every single card in the format can do something good. I felt like every turn had more options than a normal draft since all my cards could do something.

We ended up staying until 3 in the morning. Half of the guys were extremely tired with their eyes being nearly bloodshot red. At this time of the night (morning), Denny's was even more packed. I would say everyone there was a college student or someone close to the age of one. My friends said that a lot of people like to stop by at Denny's after a night at the club. I had a lot of fun staying at Denny's playing cards in front of everyone. I wasn't embarrassed for some reason. I guess I was just having that much fun.


"You guys are gonna play Magic at In n' Out..? Are you serious..?"
"HEY! I AM A MAN WITH NO SHAME. AND A MAN WITH NO SHAME IS................" *sits and thinks about it*
I don't remember what word he came up with, but then he said,

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