Wednesday, November 17, 2010

(Type 2) Piloting Kuldotha Red

The other night my friend said, "Hey I got a new list! It's pretty good you should try it out!"

November 14, 2010

It's a mono-red Goblin deck that focuses on sacrificing an early artifact to Kuldotha Rebirth then dishing out some super fast damage for turn 3-4 wins.

Lands (19):
4 Scalding Tarn
4 Arid Mesa
9 Mountain
1 Teetering Peeks
1 Smoldering Spires

Creatures (15): 
4 Goblin Guide
4 Goblin Bushwhacker
4 Goblin Chieftain
3 Spikeshot Elder

Artifact Creatures (5):
4 Memnite
1 Molten-tail Masticore

Artifacts (9):
3 Panic Spellbomb
2 Mox Opal
1 Chimeric Mass
1 Infiltration Lens
1 Trusty Machete
1 Basilisk Collar

Other Spells (12):
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Galvanic Blast
1 Devastating Summons
1 Forked Bolt
4 Kuldotha Rebirth

Sideboard (15):
2 Sylvok Lifestaff
2 Koth of the Hammer (supposed to Molten-Tail Masticore, but I can't afford them)
2 Perilous Myr
1 Chimeric Mass
2 Shatter
3 Arc Trail
3 Mark of Mutiny

Everyone said it was an easy deck to pilot, but obviously I'm terrible at Magic so I had a pretty hard time. Basically you want to get a turn 1 Kuldotha Rebirth with one of the 0drop artifacts, and then a turn 2 Goblin Bushwhacker and a Memnite then a turn 3 Goblin Chieftain. Or something along those lines.. Anything that will get those three goblin tokens bashing at your opponents face in the first few turns.

Round 1: Elf Aggro
This is the kid who runs Steel Hellkites in his elf deck, which according to my other friend is really bad. As the game started off, none of my goblins were able to push through his Nissa's Chosens, and he was able to pull out his Steel Hellkite which blew all of my goblins up... Both games.. 0-1

Round 2: Some sort of combo deck?
I couldn't figure out what this guy was running. It had Lux Cannons, Mimic Vats, Frost Titans, Renegade Doppelgangers, and Putrefaxes, but otherwise, that's all I saw. He ALMOST killed me in one turn with the Doppelganger and Putrefax, but my deck was too fast. I 2-0ed him really fast. 1-1

Round 3: UB Control
The father of my first opponent. I would say UB is very similar to UW except it runs a lot more removal and Grave Titans/Abyssal Persecutors instead of Sun Titans/Baneslayers. Game 1 my deck managed to do its job. Game 2 I played the whole game with only three lands.. three lands is enough to play one card per turn which can be Mana Leaked... I didn't even come close.. Game 3 was a silly game. I mulliganed to five card hand with one land in it, so I didn't have much hope, but my friend said to never give up so I gave it a try. Turn 1 Spikeshot Elder. Turn 2, swing for 1. Turn 3 Goblin Chieftain, swing for 4. Chieftain gets bounced multiple times for the next few turns until it gets mana leaked. I managed to get out another creature or two and ping him a couple times with my Spike Shot Elder, which he eventually Doom Bladed. The turn after that he played Abyssal Persecutor and started beating me down. I Mark of Mutiny'ed it desperately which put him at 4 life. After that his Persecutor put me at -6 life, but he had no way of getting rid of it. We spent the next 1000 turns waiting until we drew an answer. I was waiting for burn spells (which I boarded most out...) and my opponent was waiting for a way to get rid of his Persecutor. We were the only ones left in the round, so everyone was circled around table facepalming as we went through a long series of, "Draw... Go..." Time of the round was called and it came down to the last 5 turns. My opponent had 3 tries to find an answer to his Abyssal Persecutor. Unfortunately for me he drew a Preordain and scryed both cards to the bottom of his deck. 4 turns passed and none of us drew a thing and then came the final draw... He pulled a Jace the Mind Sculptor. "YES!!!!" I clapped my hands together in excitement thinking that I just got away with a draw. "Wait!" The fat man said, "I can bounce my Persecutor with Jace." 1-2.......

Round 4: BYE?!?! WTF WHY

I ended up not making it into the top 4, but the deck was still a lot of fun to play. There was someone running a Boros deck there that night which he went to the top 4 with a 2-2 record, which was pretty nice to see. I'm always a supporter to Boros. My other friend was testing out his recently built boros deck on me too. I was really glad to see boros decks there that night. It makes me want to give my Boros deck another shot next Sunday. But then again I should put more practice into this Goblin deck too..

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