Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Five Day Weekend, Thoughts on Groups, Extra Painful Kung Fu, and No Jury Duty!

My school is closed for today and Thursday, so I get a nice five day weekend for Thanksgiving! I definitely have homework, but the semester is almost over, so I'll just have to man up through it. I have to type up my entire 10-14 page essay for english class. It's gonna suck, but it's the last essay for the semester. Otherwise, I plan to spend the rest of my weekend chillin, relaxin, and playing Minecraft. YEAH.

On Monday, I decided to stop by at Daiso to browse their Japanese goods. To be honest, I felt like a little girl in there. Everything was so cute! I ended up shopping on a whim, which is bad because I my wallet empties fast when I shop on a whim. I think I get it from my parents. They always come home with the most random things. So I walked out with a bunch of origami paper, Hi-chews, and a t-shirt with a cute panda on it.

Tuesday, I arrived to school wearing my awesome new panda shirt, but as soon as my friend saw it she pointed at it and said, "Nice panda shirt... That EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE WORLD HAS." I know she meant no offense when she said that, but it made me self conscious almost instantly. At that moment I figured, yeah, the shirt was only 7 bucks, and what asian doesn't like pandas? At that point I wasn't surprised that many asians happened to own the same shirt. In fact my friend had one of her own which she bought from Japantown for only $5. Oh well. I still like the shirt..

It felt pointless to come to school on Tuesday because it was the last day before the break, but I still went anyways. I arrive at 8:30am everyday, but my first class wasn't until 10:30am, so I decided to take a 2 hour nap in the library while sitting at the table with my friends. Later on, just before 10:00am, I was awakened by my ex-girlfriend making a bunch of noise. Shortly after, her friend/group members from her english class arrived to discuss an essay project they had due pretty soon. At first they were just standing there with a blank look on their faces making small talk with my ex. I didn't want them to feel excluded or uncomfortable or anything so I said, "Hey, why don't you guys grab some seats and sit down with us?" After they sat down, my ex introduced them to all of us. A couple minutes later another group member approached us and I saw the same exact scene all over again, "Hey, why don't you grab a seat and sit with us?" I wanted to create a comfortable and friendly atmosphere for everyone. Back in high school it was all about groups and clicks. I don't want the same thing to happen in college.

In my freshman and sophomore year I had different groups of friends that had different agendas and I was always faced with having to choose which group of friends I wanted to hang out with. If I hung out with one, the other would get a little mad, "Aye Tim, come on! Hang out with us!" Or something along those lines.

A little later on, three more girls arrived to talk to one of the english group members, and he stood up. Noticing the three girls I said, "Damn, you a ladies man!" and everyone laughed a little. I turned around and made a little small talk with the girls. I wanted to be as open as possible. I wanted to create a comfortable atmosphere where no one feels limited to just who their own friends are. I want to be able to meet a lot of new people in college, but I noticed a lot of the younger (mainly freshman) students in community college are still clicking up. After the three girls left and the guy sat back down, the english group started having a warm conversation amongst each other, while over to my other side, I see my other friends huddling up talking to each other. Two separate groups sitting at the same table.. And I was just sort of.. In between.. I started talking to both groups (separately) trying to think of ways to get both of them to open up to each other. Unfortunately for me, it was already time to go to my first class. I wished I could have skipped class just to spend more time with these people, but I had to go to class.

It just felt like the whole time I was trying to create an open atmosphere, but what was everyone else thinking? Do other people think the same thing as me? When I talk to other people usually try not to make the other person uncomfortable. If they say something awkward (on purpose or by accident), I don't point it out to them, I just brush it off or play along with them. I don't want people to feel uncomfortable or self conscious or anything when they're talking to me (although I don't always succeed). It just seemed like the groups before my eyes were casually talking to each other like any other day (which is fine), but it's like I wanted everyone to open up to each other. Didn't seem like the thought crossed anyone else's mind. I wonder what other people think in situations like this. I wonder if some people even notice it.

I must have been in a good mood on Tuesday or something because I was like holding doors open for everyone. I just felt like being nice..

After school finally ended, I stopped by at In n' Out to take a piss, except I was holding the doors open for people as they passed through hahaha. After that, I headed over to Michael's (arts and crafts store) and bought a sketch book for my friend. At first I was going to buy a really cheap one, but they just weren't very attractive. I figured, if this person is going to be using it a lot and going to be drawing in it all the time, might as well get something that will last, right? So I decided to buy a nicer looking one. I found some cool hard cover ones with spiral rings so you can flip the cover all the way around. It was a choice between a Sketch Book and a Drawing Book. What was the difference? No idea. I decided to ask an employee, but he didn't know what the hell he was talking about. It was almost embarrassing, but hey at least he tried. I smiled and thanked him as he walked away. The sketch book was cheaper with more pages and had "sketch paper" whereas the drawing book was a little more expensive and had less pages, but had "cream drawing paper". The sketch book had picture of drawings made from pencils and colored pencils, while the drawing book had pictures with charcoal and pastels and pencils alike. And I knew my friend likes to use charcoal in her drawings sometimes. It seemed pretty obvious to me that the drawing book was higher quality, so I decided to pick that one up. Sometimes you gotta put a lot of thought into things like this. It ended up being about $30, but no worries, I think it was a worthy investment. I hope she likes it!

Later on I headed out to kung fu. The same teacher was there again. Even though he can't really speak english he seemed to be more open to me than any of my other classmates. Probably because we met last thursday, and most of the students this time were new to him. He occasionally approached me and whispered things to me like about how tired he was because he had been teaching kung fu all day long. He asked me my age and I found out that he's only 26 years old! I feel bad for thinking he was in his 30's now... He's a really good teacher though. We did so much kicking that all the muscles in my right leg felt extremely sore. They were practically giving out on me, but it didn't feel like muscle fatigue or anything. It didn't feel like I pulled anything either. They just felt "over" sore. By the end of class it was affecting my performance. It hurt to hold stances and even walk (although I wasn't limping or anything). It just REALLY hurt. When I got home, all the adrenaline and endorphins were gone, so I was feeling extra pain. I took an ibuprofen, but I could barely walk when I got home. I tried typing up this blog, but I passed out on my couch. When I woke up, my mom was using my computer, so I tried getting off my couch, but apparently the circulation in my legs were being cut off some how, so when I stood up, everything just instantly gave out on me and I started to collapse straight to the floor. Luckily my mom caught me midway. I waddled my way out into the living room, and then passed out on the living room couch. Later on, my mom woke me up telling me to just go to bed. I was too exhausted to get anything done that night. For the first time in the past month, I actually got 10 hours of sleep. It made me really happy.

A while back I got a letter in the mail saying that I needed to report for jury duty because I'm 18 years old now (and registered to vote), and I was trippin out big time! I absolutely did not want to go to jury duty. Apparently you go in and they ask you questions and based off your answers, they decided whether they want you to be in the jury or not. A long time ago, my piano teacher told me he would be as biased as possible so that way they wouldn't select him. I didn't understand what he was talking about until now, so I decided to do the same thing. Honestly, I don't have the attention span to do jury duty, and if I did do it, I wouldn't be able to go to school for the days that I do it. Plus I wouldn't get paid that much either. It's just not worth it. Maybe when I'm older I would be interested in experiencing it. My mom and I did some research and we found out that if you're scheduled (or re-scheduled) to holidays like thanksgiving or Christmas, then you might not have to do it. Luckily for me I was scheduled for the 24th of November!! I don't have to do anything! And I'm good for the rest of the year too. I was so happy to find out about this.

Today I'm about to go out to a thanksgiving dinner with my friend, then tomorrow I'm going to my grandma's house for another thanksgiving dinner. I'm about to get fat! Can't wait.

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