Saturday, November 27, 2010

(FNM5) Chillaxin Thanksgiving and Drafting on Black Friday

I know it's late, but I had a very relaxing Thanksgiving this year, and I hope everyone else had a great Thanksgiving! My dad was off to Arizona to meet up with my Filipino side of the family, while I joined my mom on the Chinese side this year. My sister had work, so she's not visiting from LA until Christmas time. There was only 7 of us total at my grandparents' house, so it was a quiet, relaxing, and peaceful Chinese thanksgiving dinner. Afterwards, my mom and I visited my cousin's house who was visiting home from college in Oklahoma. We spent a couple hours at their house just socializing, then we went home and I played minecraft for the rest of my night.


I didn't know what to do for black friday considering I had pretty much no money, so I ended up staying home. But, hey, the card shop was open so why not draft? I did exactly that. When I got there, my friend said "Hey Tim, we're goin to Madfish after this" and I smiled and said, "YES". My night was instantly made.

I started the draft thinking I was going to rock some socks finding a bunch of removal, but towards the end of the draft, I looked down realizing that I had no creatures! Oh well, even though my deck sucked, at least I still got to go to Madfish.

9 Mountain
7 Plains

1 Ferrovore
1 Oxidda Scrapmelter (The strongest creature in my deck...)
2 Sunspear Shikari
1 Abuna Acolyte
1 Glint Hawk
1 Snapsail Glider
1 Copper Myr
1 Silver Myr
1 Iron Myr
1 Perilous Myr
1 Necropede

1 Galvanic Blast (P1P2)
1 Arc Trail (P1P3)
1 Cerebral Eruption (P1P4 or 5)
2 Turn to Slag
1 Revoke Existance
1 Dispense Justice
1 Origin Spellbomb
1 Panic Spellbomb
1 Sylvok Lifestaff
1 Strider Harness
1 Accorder's Shield

Round 1:
My first opponent was the other guy at my pod playing red/white, except he's just a much better player. I didn't agree with his deck at ALL, but he won with it.. His deck was similar to mine, but with stronger creatures.. Go figure. It ran 6 artifacts, and metalcraft.. huh? One of them being Echo Circlet. Huh? It also had 44 cards (18 lands). Huh? Well anyways, game 1, he started off strong, but then my removal got in there and he ran out of steam. Game 2, I started off strong and got him to 4 life. He was stuck on 3 lands, but then he top decked two lands. He was complaining about being mana screwed at first, but once he drew his fifth land, he laid it down, hovered his hands over his lands and said, "UNLOCK". I couldn't help but burst out into laughter. His removal got in, then he pulled out Goblin Gavaleer with Strider Harness, Sylvok Lifestaff, and Bladed Pinions... Along with some other good card with Metalcraft. How many artifacts did he have in his deck again..? Game 3, I got stuck on two lands for the longest time. By the time I got to four, my Cerebral Eruption, didn't quite get there... Wasted turns leads to my death. 0-1

Round 2:
This guy was playing Green/Blue. I didn't remember how this match went, but he toasted me in the first game, and I barely won with a topdecked Arctrail to burn him at 2 life in game 2. Game 3 my Cerebral Eruption failed THREE TIMES. THREE LANDS. Then it revealed a ONE DROP. WHY? It cost me the game. If it got through to kill his 2/2 and 3/3 flyer, then I probably would have won. I was running on luck in that game. 0-2

Round 3:
My friend's friend got paired down with me. My friend drafted infect, while this guy took whatever else was left of the infect cards so it was kinda.. halfassed. It had non infect creatures, and Grind Clock. I couldn't tell what his win condition was.. My removal was more than enough to handle what few infect creatures he had. 1-2

My friend ended up going 3-0 (well 2-1 because he gave the game to someone else), but he decided to drop so we could all go out to madfish. It was amazing. At first we ordered 11 rolls which scared me because there was a lot of rolls, but then they said they ran out of one specific roll which he happened to order 2 of. So we told them to take it off of our bill and we stuck with 9 rolls which was more than enough. First big plate of four rolls came in and we devoured it. We literally ate the last roll on it just as the next big plate of four rolls was being placed onto our table. "Keep'm coming!" we thought as we continued to devour all the sushi. By the time we finished we were all too full to move. One guy noted that we ate it all in less than 15 minutes! He said "Damn, I was just taking my time, but you guys were just going at it piece after piece!!" and then my friend sat up and said, "Well yeah! You HAVE to eat like that when you have Tim at the table. It's either you eat it fast or don't eat at all." It was hilarious. At the same time I felt bad. Even though he was joking, I feel like I really should slow down for everyone else... Well at least everyone was full! After we finished we went to Tapioca Express next door to play with our draft decks. It was a fun night, considering I did nothing for Black Friday.

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